Between the walls

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"I shall be going back to Adeline now. I love you." I said as he looked up and gave me a warm hug. Then began passionately kissing me.

"You must stop before I end up never leaving this room." I admitted in a shy voice.

"I love you Charlotte." He said in defeat and let me out of his arms. It warmed my heart to hear him say those words that I walked back to my chambers with a large smile on my face.

I opened the door to find Adeline playing with dolls with the nurse. "I forgot to order someone to bring us dinner." I said while throughout my hand up in the air aggravated at myself.

"That shall be my last duty for the day my Lady." She said and began to walk out the chamber. I nodded and thanked her for all she had done for me and Adeline.

Once she was out of the door I walked over and sat by Adeline playing with dolls.

"Your birthday is coming up." I said as I patted my dress and looked over at her with a large smile on her face.

"Every year you are able to choose one thing that you ultimately want.... So what shall it be this year?" I asked with a smile.

"Mmmmm...." She said as she thought of exactly what she wanted.

"I believe I would like to have a dance with my father at my party." She said while looking up at me.

"You have a deal, although remember you must call him King Jamie here." I reminded her and she nodded her head.

A few minutes went by and a kitchen maid let herself in. After she left Adeline and I said a small prayer and then dug into the warm food prepared for us.

"Why did you stop eating my love? Is something wrong?" I asked while looking down at her sad face.

"I miss when Father would join us for dinner. Even when he was asleep we would have lunch together." She said in a sad tone of voice.

"I understand. I miss that too, although he would be very sad to see you not eating." I pointed out and she began to dig in once more.

"Finished. Now can he come and sing me my night song?" She asked in a cheerful tone.

"Hunny, he might be spotted. There are a lot of things that can't happen since we are back in this kingdom." I said as she jumped up and ran towards a wall.

"Where are you going?" I asked while getting up from a seat and walking towards where she stood.

"There is a way to get to him through this tunnel." She said as she smiled.

"This is a wall....." I stopped mid way through my statement when he turned a golden leaf that was a handle. I had stayed in this chamber since she was a baby. I had never noticed this before.

"My nurse showed me this old passageway a year ago when she was trying to explain to me the history of the castle. It used to be a maid's way to get into a room without having to use the main hallway."

I looked around to see she was correct, it looked old and dark. "I even learned a trick mommy." She said as she held out her hand into the dark void.

"Motus." SHe says into the void. Then fire burns bright on the torches that were now freshly lit. I quickly turned towards her as she smiled at me.

"Your not supposed to be able to do that." I said in a stumbled voice.

"The lady in my dream taught me it. She said a witch is born with powers. If she is raised with it then she shall be able to cast little spells when they are young." She said as I stared into her perfect little eyes.

I didn't know what to think. My brian was sent into utter shock over what my little girl told me. I hadn't realized she had grabbed my hand and led me further into the small hallway that was between the walls.

"To find father." She said as she sniffed the air. I knew she wouldn't have the ability to turn yet unless my mother had lied about that part of my life too. I thought as we walked further down the hallway.

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