Its time

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I ran as fast as my body would allow me to down the hallway back to my old chambers. However Ben soon followed swiftly behind.

"Rose, Please talk to me." He said while walking towards me. "I don't even know what to say." I spat across the room making him stop in his tracks.

"I shouldn't have kissed you like that." He said after a few moments of silence.

"Ben it was me that kissed you first. Please don't apologize." I said as I threw my arms up and sat on the end of the bed.

"I know that. However it was not right for me to kiss you in such a manner. You haven't gotten over your first love and probably you will never be able to forget."

He said as he sat down beside me taking me into his arms as I began to cry. "I just hope one day you will be able to love me as much as I do you." He said as he pulled away from me and glazed away.

"I do.." I mumbled. "You do what?" He asked, turning towards me.

"I do love you. However it's not the same way I loved him. It's a different kind of love." I explained. He nodded his head.

"As long as you are willing to give me a chance. That is all I ask." He said as he placed a gentle kiss upon my head before making his way out of my chambers.

6 Months Later

"Perhaps Adeline Jane?" I said while placing my hand over my large stomach. I felt the baby move as if that is what her name shall be.

Then I began to look out the window as I sat in my rocking chair. The leaves of autumn are slowly falling down.

The trees are brightly colored with orange, red and yellow.

I began to sing when I felt as if I needed to go to the bathroom. I wobbled towards the bathroom and a large puddle started to form.

I remembered what Ben's mother told me that if this happens the baby is about to come.

I quickly gathered my strength and managed to make it out towards the main door of my chambers.

Ben placed two guards near my door so they could help me to his mothers office.

As I opened the door I was hit with extreme pain as I fell towards the ground.

Thankfully the guard to my right caught me before I could hit the ground. "I will take her, you go inform the King and Prince Benjamin." The guard that was holding me up stated to the other one.

"I don't think I will be able to walk." I said threw a treat filled eyes.

The guard lifted me up into his arms as he began to run towards the office.

The pain seemed as if it had gotten worse. The guard kicked open the door and rushed me into her office and gently placed me down on bed. "I believe it's time my lady."

The guard said as he bowed and made his way out of the room.

I grabbed Trinity's shirt and pulled her close so she would be able to hear me.

"Please get this baby out of me!" I began to scream in pain as another wave of pain hit me.

She smiled as she lifted my dress to see how much longer until the baby came out. "I need you to breathe and push." she said as she lifted my legs.

I overheard that Ben had arrived and was waiting in the room outside. However all I focused on was pushing and getting this baby out of me.

Finding Her DestinyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon