The demon of the night

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My inner wolf ran through the hallways of the castle. In an instance, we were outside in the field.

"We must continue." I screamed as I felt the beast coming closer towards us. Arie took off into the night once more until we were deep in the forest.

"I don't see him." My wolf said while looking around to see him.

However moments later I saw a dark figure in the middle of the field we once where, staring back at us.

His body was taller than any beast I had ever seen or heard of. Then he lifted his big head up and began to sniff the air. Before shining his bright digger-like teeth at me.

Then he was off into the night. Away from us, we used this opportunity to run.

I hadn't realized that I was heading in the opposite direction of the cave until I heard a scream.

"Mommy!" Adeline screamed in terror.

My wolf halted before she could continue and we began to run towards our little pup. Faster and faster we ran until I could see Adeline in front of the cave entry way outside being circled by the demon of the night.

I jumped in front of her before my wolf retreated letting me have control of my human half.

I landed hard on the wet ground before taking Adeline in my arms. I placed a gentle kiss upon her cheek before using my hand that I had cut open on a rock while running towards her to open the cave.

Once she ran into the cave it slammed shut behind her. Leaving me with the beast.

"Jamie! That is your little girl!" I screamed towards the beast as it walked closer to me.

Growling at me and making sure I can see its sharp teeth.

"You can gain full control." I pleaded as the monster stepped closer until his hot breath was inches away from my face.

AIt let out a deep growl before knocking me down with a slight push of its paw.

I jumped to my feet and put my hand on the place where a wolf's heart is.

"I trust you." I said while falling to my knees.

All I could do was surrender as my life now hung in the balance of Jamie gaining control.

I held my breath as I opened my eyes to see the beast in front of me back away slowly. Then it collapsed on the cold ground of the wilderness.

I watched as it began to shift back into a nude man. Once Jamie was completely transformed back to himself I began to run towards him.

"Something is wrong with our mate." My inner wolf said as I placed him into my warm embrace. He was knocked out cold from all of the energy he used to take control.

I yelled at the cave for Adeline to open the door for Izzy to come help me. At first they were hestatent, however finally a frightened Izzy made her way towards my side.

"Did you kill him?" She asked once she was close enough to see him passed out in my arms. Then she gave me a blanket to cover him up with.

"No. I believe he took back control. However, by doing so left him in a poor condition. Here help me lift him into the cave."

I said while picking up half of his body. We both lifted him up and placed him down onto the makeshift bed.

"Has he lifted his curse?" She asked while glancing down at him then making eye contact with me.

"I have no clue. Perhaps he can tell us once he awakens from this coma-like state."

I mentioned while crossing my arms and thinking of how long of time I have before he awakens.

The next morning I told Izzy to take the girls back to the castle since it was safe to return.

"Are you coming with us?" She asked while helping the two girls onto the horse.

"I am going to stay here and watch over Jamie." I said before giving Adeline a huge hug and kiss.

Then I watched them ride off into the forest back towards the castle.

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