The Voice

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I left Jamie in the meeting room with some of the men to discuss who shall go back to the kingdom and become a spy. I made my way down the halls of the house.

Everything seemed as if no time had passed since the last time I walked these halls. I found myself at my mothers office and slowly opened the door.

"Go to the bookcase." I heard a voice say. I jumped and turned to see if someone was behind me. Except all I found was nothing. "Hello, is someone here?" I asked the voice.

"Go to the bookcase." I heard the voice say once more in my ear. I carefully walked towards the large bookcase near my mothers desk and stopped once I was in front of it.

"Move the flower book." I heard the voice say. I quickly knew what the anonymous voice ment. It was a book that my mother would draw different types of flowers we would find on our walks around the house.

I quickly found the book and placed my hand around the spine and slightly pulled it. Before my eyes the bookcase opened to a tunnel.

"Incendio" The voice whispered in my ear. Could this be a spell and is this my mother trying to show me something beyond the grave?" I asked myself.

"Seems like she is. However, are you sure you want to enter this dark tunnel without someone by you?" My inner wolf said.

"I believe you're right." When I went to turn around the bookcase slammed shut. "Well, what should we do?" I asked my wolf. However she went silent, so it would be up to me to get us out of this mess.

"Incendio" I heard the voice say again. "Perhaps it's a spell or something." Aerie said through our mind link." I took a deep breath before saying the spell.

I remember how John told me to center my emotions on one thing. However I had no clue what this spell would do. All I know is I need light to find my way out of the tunnel.

"Incendio" I said, then the torches on the wall lit up with a flame that led down the tunnel towards the door. After making my way to the door I carefully opened it.

It was a secret room that was  much larger than the one I saw a few weeks ago at Jamie's palace. It had different ingredients lined up on a shelf with books beside them.

I took in everything in the large room until I found a door that had light coming through it. I quickly made my way towards it and threw open the door.

I was in a part of the garden that was covered in beautiful flowers and a bench near a rock. When I turned to see the door it vanished, I could only see the rock.

I was stunned at what I had just seen when I heard someone yelling my name. I made my way towards the gates to find Jamie and a few guards with a look of fear on their faces.

Jamie ran towards me and greeted me with a huge hug. "Where have you been?" He asked breathlessly

"I found another secret room for my mothers." I said. "You have been gone for hours. None of the men had seen you." He said, sounding quite concerned.

"I am fine. Now is lunch almost ready?" I asked as my stomach growled. "Charlotte, you have been gone for hours. It's almost dinner time." He said looking at me confused.

I must have been in the room longer than I realized. I thought to myself.

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