Wondering around the castle

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I opened my door to find Izzy, her daughter and Adeline curled up in my bed. Izzy was the only one to awake when she heard me in the large room.

"Oh your back." She said in a hushed voice while getting off the bed. We walked into the closet so I could change into my nightgown.

"I don't believe I would like to be alone tonight." I said while she pulled my gown over my head.

"Then I shall stay with you and Adleine. Her and Danielle are best friends now." She said with a wink as she helped me into the night gown.

We crowded back into bed and fell asleep.

Next Morning

I awoke to a soft breeze filling the room. I opened my eyes to see my curtains flapping in the wind with a soft spoken woman standing in front of the window.

"My lady, I was sent to wake you. It is quite a lovely day outside." The mysterious lady's maid said while walking towards me.

I rubbed my eyes and began to look for the others. All I found was an empty bed. "Where are they?" I asked while placing my feet down on the cold wooden floor.

"Miss Izzy, is the top maid here at the palace. And had other duties this morning to attend to." She said as she bowed before me.

"And my daughter?" I asked while looking around the room.

"She is off in the garden playing with Miss Izzy's daughter." She said while helping me into a gown.

I patted the light blue fabric and smiled. "My favorite color." I said as I turned towards her.

Once she left I began to make my way towards the dining hall to find something to eat. However I believe I overslept because there wasn't anyone left.

I asked a kitchen boy to fetch me some leftovers. After he brought the plate to me I sat down as he took his stance behind me.

"More water Miss?" He asked while leaning over me.

"I believe I am quite fine. Thank you." I said while covering my glass.

After I was finished he took the plate away and I began to journey around the large palace.

I had forgotten there were less people at court than King Franklin's place.

"Excuse me." I said while walking towards a servant watering some flowers.

"Yes, my lady." She said as she bowed, placing the water container down on the floor.

"Where might I find the stables. I haven't been here in years. I believe I am quite lost." I admitted while gesturing to my surroundings.

"Miss, I wish I could help. But I am quite new to the palace. I myself am still learning where everything is." SHe said while picking up the water and walking off.

"I am tired of riding. Let's go find Jamie." My inner wolf said as I began to make my way back towards my chambers.

I spotted Luke talking with some guards near a door. I managed to catch him before he walked into the large doors.

"Oh Lady Rose. How may I assist you?" He asked as I walked closer towards him.

"Where is Lord... I mean King Jamie?" I asked as I began to blush.

"He is right in here." He said while placing his arm around my back and began to walk me into the room.

It was a large table filled with seats. However Jamie was the only one in the large room.

"Charlotte!" Jamie said as he stood up and began to walk towards me.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting a big meeting." I admitted while taking a seat.

"We just finished talking about tonight and what we can do during the few days the King is out." Luke said while sipping some of his water.

"What do you mean he will be out for a few days?" I asked while looking towards Luke.

"It's best if James explains it." He said as he jumped up and walked out of the room. Leaving Jamie and I all alone once more.

I slowly turned my attention towards Jamie waiting for him to respond.

"I will stay a beast for a few days after the full moon." He said while looking away.

He then paused for a few moments before he began to speak. "I have arranged for Izzy and some guards to take you and Adeline to a nearby village."

"Leaving you here." I said while grabbing a cup and pouring some water in it.

"Indeed, I couldn't live with myself if I hurt either of you." He said while standing up from his large chair.

"Well I shall be off then." I said as he pointed towards the door.

I can't leave him. I admitted to myself as I made my way back towards my chambers.

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