Old friends

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The next morning I awoke to find myself nuzzled into Jamie's chest. I quickly sat up and wiped my eyes of sleep as I began to look out upon the new day.

"Mommy." Adeline said in a whispered voice. Although it made me jump because I had yet to realize she was up.

"Yes my love?" I said while screeching my arms out. "I am hungry." She said while pointing towards the food we packed for dinner.

"It is morning but the food should still be good to eat this morning." I said as I gave her a piece of bread and began to fix her plate.

"Shh, we don't want to wake the beast from his slumber." I said while pointing towards Jamie.

"Oh and I packed you something that you would enjoy." I said while handing her a piece of chocolate.

Before I had time to stop her she squealed in excitement. "What is the meaning behind this screaming?" Jamie said while whipping sleep from his eyes.

"I didn't mean to wake you." Adeline said while stuffing her face with the piece of chocolate.

"Just like your mother. Eating dessert before dinner." He said while nudging me as he smiled.

A few days later

The days in the carriage were soon over as we began to enter the gates of James palace. We made light conversations throughout our journey but nothing as serious as the first night.

The palace seemed the same as the last time I was here. However at the same time it seemed darker than I remembered it.

Like before the guards and maids lined up for us in front of the large palace. Once we entered I saw Luke running up towards Jamie with important news.

However he stopped once he saw me. "Your back!" He screamed for everyone in the world to hear. Making everyone's eyes fall towards me.

"This is Lady Rose and her daughter." Jamie said while I bowed. He quickly pulled me into a hug. "And who is this?" He asked while bending down towards Adeline.

"Let's speak in private." Jamie said before Adeline could be introduced.

We walked past many people at court as we made our way towards Jamie's office. The guards opened up the large wooden doors and I was brought back in time to when Jamie's father was in here.

"Adeline, this is Luke. We can trust him, he is an old friend." I said as I introduced the two of them.

"You look a lot like your mother." He said as he patted her head.

"As long as they stay here they should be taken care of. Also know one is to know of their true identity. We wouldn't want it getting back to the other Kingdom."

Jamie said towards Luke as he sat down in his big chair. "Your room is ready." He said again after a moment of silence.

I nodded and began to make my way towards my old chambers with Adleine holding on to my hand.

On our journey to my old room I told Adleine a few of the stories I remembered during my time here. Then we came across the doors that had two large guards standing in front of it.

They moved out of the way and opened the door. I was studded by how nothing had changed since the last time I was in it. Once I turned the corner to the sitting room I found Izzy.

"Izzy!" I screamed as I ran towards her. She embraced me in a hug and we began to ramble on about all that has happened after I left.

"Hello Izzy, I am Lady Adeline." She said as she walked over towards us. "Oh this is my daughter Adeline." I said as Izzy grabbed her up into a hug.

"You look a lot like your mother. However I believe I know exactly who your father is." She said while placing Adeline down and smiling towards me.

"Please don't tell anyone about this." I pleaded as she walked closer towards me. "I would never." She said while smiling and engulfing me into another warm hug.

"Adeline this is another one of my dear old friends Izzy." I said while picking her up.

"Oh you flatter me." She said while putting her hands up. " I am going to be yours and your mothers lady's maid while you are here." She said as she grabbed some tea.

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