🐺Lost and found🕷

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2:40pm👈old date btw, ignore it.
Thu, January 12th 2023 - 10:34pm


Ch. 14

Roxy made her way throughout the whole plex, trying to find sundrop.

Moon had left, he had lost sun too when he chased after him. He wasn't sure where he was, since he'd never been upstairs, it was kinda confusing for him to find his way around.

Minnie music man was on Roxy's head, looking for the drops. "Where could he be?" Minni said to himself.

"Hmm.... where is a place that would make Sundrop feel better? Like a safe spot or something" Roxy asked him.

"Well, he likes comfortable places that have fluffy pillows and blankets. He really doesn't care where, it just needs to have those two things."

"Fluffy pillows and blankets...." They both mumbled to themselves before getting an idea. "The daycare!" They both shouted at the same time.

Roxy bean running to the daycare.


Both doors of the daycare were open. Someone had come inside.

"Yep, he's definitely here. The daycare never leaves its doors opened" Roxy said. "Looks like he used something to mess up the locks" Roxy leaned down a bit to take a closer look at the lock. Some parts of it were dented and scratched.

They both went inside, minnie hopped off Roxy's head and walked besides her. "Sundro!-"

"Shh! If he is here and were to hear us, he would just go running" he cut her off quickly.

She nodded at him. "The nap time room is where they have fluffy pillows and blankets, right?" minni asked. "Yep" she whispered back as they carefully made their way there.

They pulled the curtains aside and saw a small igloo of pillows. They walked closer to it and inside the little dark igloo was a small bundle wrapped in blankets.

Minni Music man crawled inside and over the bundle of blankets. "Sun?" He asked. He lifted the pice of cloth that coverd Sun's face. Once he did, he saw sundrop peacefully sleeping with small tears falling down his face.

"He was crying" Minni said, he gently whiped the tears away.

"Hmm, poor thing" Roxy said as she took off a few pillows from the top. "That actually looks comfy, I should do that too sometime"

Minni just raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh, sorry, wrong time to think about that. Now, what do we do?" She asked.

"Well, he has to go back downstairs, I honestly thought that he would enjoy this. Yknow, since he was the one begging for it." Minni said with sadness in his tone.

It would've been fun if both the animatronics would get along time to time. Their relationship sure had gotten...... complicated, a while ago. He really wasn't sure what made sun and moon argue a lot more often than usual.

It's just a thing that randomly happened one day.

Roxy moved her head to the side, "But it looks like he didn't enjoy it that much" Roxy bent down and lifted sun up bridle style with the blankets still wrapped around him.

"Okay then,  I'll help you take him downstairs. Your little figure wouldn't even be able to lift his head up without me" She joked.

Music man rolled his eyes. "show me the way then" She smiled. Minni chukled.

Roxy could be overconfident and could brag a lot, but sometimes she had a good side that Music man wished she showed more often.

"Well, it looks like we will have the very first animatronic from up here to see the underground" the wolf said in excitement. They both made their way out of the Daycare. "We just now gotta make sure the workes from here don't see you carring sun" minni warned her.

Fri, January 20th 2023-11:23pm

AN:Sorry for not updating last week, I forgot to do it and didn't really do anything. Anyways, I just wanna say this is the last Moon x Sun story I'll be making, so once this series over, there will be no more MxS.

Maybeeee I'll make another one, but I'm not sure, no new stories will be made until I've finished the ones that I've already got

3:18PM👈old date btw, ignore it.

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