🌑Formal meeting☀️

502 26 12

1:18pm👈old date btw, ignore it
Fri, December 23rd 2022 - 10:06

Ch. 11

Music man then crawled up sun and was on top of Moon's head. "Moon stop right now!!!" He Shouted. Moon laughed before replying. "Hell no!!!" "Fine then you leave me no choice! If I can't get both of you down, then I'll just get one!!!"

Music man then jumped back down towards Sundrop and started hitting moon's hand with his cymbals. "Ow!!!" He Shouted in pain, from pain reflex he accidentally let go of sundrop. "Shit! Sun!!" "Don't stop!!! Keep going you Traitor!!!!" Yelled sun as he was caught by Monty's arm.

"Well hello there cupcake!" Monty winked at him. "Oh Well aren't you good looking!" Flirted sun back, letting out a laugh. Moon heard this and instantly stopped before leaping down and yanking sun off Monty's grasp. He slid on the floor as he came to a stop.

"Wow, you came back for me. My hero!~" Said Sun sarcastically. "Shut it you!"

"Fine fine~"  he shrugged. He turned to look at the others and sighed jn defeat. "we surrender" Said sun as he raised his arms. "Wait we do?" "Well, we can't keep doing this forever now can we? Now put me down please."

Moon looked at him, and just dropped Sundrop on the floor. He landed with and Oof.

"Yep... thank you soo much!" He groaned. Monty walked over to sun and helped him up. "Thank you uhhh...." "The names Monty nice to officially meet ya" he said as he kissed Sun's hand. Sun chukled. "Sundrop, you can call me sunnydrop, sunny or sun for short! The same goes for all of you!" Sun reached his hands out and all of them shook it.

"Whoa!! You got so many arms!!" Chica said in awe. "Mhm! The one over there, the antisocial son of a bastard who dared to drop me!" He looked back at Moon, making sure he heard loud enough. "That is Moondrop!" Moon walked over and bend down, raised his hands out. The rest shook his hand. And once again Chica was amazed.

Moon gripped Monty's hand giving him a death glare. "Strong grip huh" he growled. "Oh indeed I've got a strong grip, now-" Moon then pulled Monty closer. "Don't you dare touch him please, thank you very much" he smiled.

"Now we must go, Music here still needs to show us the place and we can't be seen by other besides..... you guys." Moon said as he pushed Monty away and grabbed sun by the waist. "Oh, I totally forgot about that! You guys wanna join. Music man can't seem to handle us~" he grinned.

"Agh- I- you- *sigh* actually it would be most helpful is you guys tagged along...." minni said embarrassed. "Yea!!" Chica and Roxy cheered. "Moon you can let go now" sun looked at him. Moondrop then let him go as he realized he was holding him.

He blushed a little as minni led the way. "Well, we're do you two wanna go first?" Asked Freddy. "Let's go my race track!" Shouted Roxy. "There's a race track here?" Both sun and moon said. "Ya wanna?" She grinned.

The end
Fri, December 23rd 2022 - 10:24pm
10:31pm👈old date btw, ignore it

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