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"by the way where is our baby?" Jin asked eyeing every corner of house

"Oh you mean Taehyung"  y/n asked

They all nodded... Y/n scratch her neck nervously, as she forgot about taehyung totally

"He is is room?"

"Why?" Namjoon asked

"That clumsy kid, hurt his arm, so he is resting"

"YAAH MY CHILD" jin said standing up and running upstairs

They all shook their head except y/n...

"Don't worry, he is just overprotective for Taehyung" Namjoon said

Y/n chuckle and nodded, they all followed jin who just ran upstairs.

They all open the door to see Jin hugging taehyung while carsesing his arm...

"So cute" hobi said smiling

"Are you feeling better my child do you need something" jin asked in a mother tone

Taehyung giggle and shook his head...

His eyes fell on the other's, a wide grin appear on his face when he see them...


Namjoon chuckle and shook his head...

"This kid" he said

They all go inside and hug taehyung, poor taehyung can only hug them with one arm..

Y/n saw everyone with a smile leaning her head on the door..

Jungkook go towards y/n...

"How you feeling living with a child"

"I am loving it" she said Staring at taehyung who has a boxy Grin all time...

She love to see his innocent smile.

Jungkook and y/n both talk for a bit, when y/n go downstairs to bring them juice...

She put 9 glases of juices on the tray and go upstairs, she give the drink to everyone...

And at last she keep her drink aside and hand the drink to taehyung...

"Here" she give him...

"C-can you make me drink it"


Everyone awwed at them except Suga who stare at everyone with a weird gaze..

"Everyone is acting so weird today" Suga said

Taehyung let out a shy smile.. y)n smile sheepily before helping him to drink the juice as expected taehyung finish the drink less that 5 sec...

Y/n keep the empty glass on the tray and take her juice siting in an empty chair..

"So, y/n how are you feeling living with our baby Taehyung"

Y/n giggle...

"It's like I adopted a baby who is 25 year old"

Everyone laugh at her statement, taehyung blush..

"But he is so clumsy, stubborn" she said glaring at his hurt arm..

Y/nahh I promise I will never act clumsy again" he said whinning

"How come this kid is a CEO huh" she ask everyone

"True tho, if anyone see him they will think he is a kid only" jungkook said

"But the reality is he is the greatest CEO of Kim company" jin said with a proud smile

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