[Luminous Coral and Moonlight]

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♡Never ever leaving you again♡

Timekeeper's POV

Timekeeper and Sea Fairy is calmly drift around Time's portal as the time traveler seemed lost on her ways whilst Sea was just sitting...wonders away...

''Somethings on your mind?''
Time finally breaking the silence

''Hm? Oh i uh-yeah its just...about Moonlight...''
''Don't worry dear, she will just fine. And sorry for this entire mishap.''

Time looked towards the other as Sea just nodded.

''Ah! There it is! Jeez took a long time to get here, ugh''
Timekeeper groaned as Sea just looked confused.

''Mind step out dear?''
''Its okay its solid''
Sea slowly jump out the key staff, at the...questionable matter and standing there while Time went inside the portal first.

''Wait okay?''
Time said, before Sea respond Time went inside. And somehow after a few seconds later...Time's head showed up at the portal making Sea a bit spooked.

''Come in. Quickly!''
Then Time's head went inside again as Sea still scared but succed to enter the portal.
What she see's its a beautiful sunset and other people somehow frozen in place.

And Moonlight with someone remotely close as her, her face flushed light red seeing both of them togethere.
Oh how Sea, felt jealous...over herself.

''Look dear we don't have much time so sit and do the same thing okay?''
''Is-is it really-?''
Time said in a rush still keeping her smile.

Time uh carry Coral and safely put her on top her staff. Sea then sit next to Moonlight, looking at her...her closed eyes...beautiful face in the sunsets light...as the same as always...pretty.
She snapped out off her mind and to calm down and rested her in her shoulder.

Timekeeper then cut open a portal and looked towards the couple.
''Listen dear whatever she asked just say yes understood okay byyeeeee~!''

Time ended her speak with a finger snap and quickly ride her staff to the portal later immediately shuts close.

Everyone around Sea began walking, talking, and continue on their act.

Sea was suprised by it and somehow kept her calm face.
Then Moonlight woke up raising her head, she rubbed her eyes to look up seeing she was insanely close to Sea Fairy, she immediately move father blushing.

''Oh-oh uh Sea! H-e-ey!''
''Hehe hey Moonlight''

Both women was blushing looking at eachother.

''You've uh-changed your looks?''
''Hm? Ah yeah...''


''You can continue your sleep Moon''

Moonlight just hated herself for stuttering in front of Sea. Sea thinks its cute though.

''You need sleep right? Its okay im not going anywhere''
''...thank you...coral...''
''Is a new nickname haha...kinda suits you''

Moon moved closer as Sea giggled at the pet name.
Moon again rested her head whilst Sea looked at her again...and somehow Moon's in a deep slumber, making Sea smile sweetly.
In a brave act to grab her hand and pat her head and looked at sunset.


''They are so cute togethere.''
''Same as us love?''
''Hehe yes Sparkling...like us~''

Sparkling and Herb walked out the bar as Herb kiss Sparklings cheek as they looked at his mothers.
Giggled and walked out togethere.

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