[Sea Fairy and Milky Way]

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ft Frost Queen☆
◇I forgive you◇

Frost Queen then cast a spell making the waves frozen to place and another one to make ice like spike bullets and throw them at the fairy.
Sea Fairy dodge's all the ice spike's with her waves and throw them back to the queen, now actually got hit.

The queen was teriffied and fighting for her life as Sea kept her cold yet angry face.
She cast more spells and hit the already damaged queen and letting her staff go in defeat.

As the queen was so weaken, Sea turned and give her full attention to Milky Way...
She was half frozen.
Sea rushed to the fallen Milky Way, scared to her dear life

''S-sea...a..are you okay...?"
''Yes-yes i'am, no-no-no stay with me! PLEASE!"
''Aaha...atleast y-you're okay...''
''N-no...Moon?! MOON!?"

Before Sea panicked more, a portal was formed and you guess it, again
Timekeeper came to the rescue

She was there, standing still with a horrifying look to her face, as she let her fingers and snapped it.

The ice at the moonlights body melted and vanished and making Milky Way no longer frozen. She was still shivering tho.
But oh how Sea was glad she was still alive

Sea Fairy said as she hugs the shivering women tight

Frost Queen said, in disbelief and pure on confused

After all of that, Timekeeper finally spoke
''Well i just use my good old time powers, nothing out off the ordinary...but you.''

Timekeeper said as she walked and pointed her key staff to the queen, in a most threating and psychotic way.
She was basically going to kill her.

''You need to taste you're own medicine then.''
She reached out to her hands again and ready to snap it.

She spoke up, still hugging the shivering women, now putting Milky Way down walking towards Timekeeper.

''You shouldn't do it Time...''
''Why not? After all...she made you're life and her's a living torture before.''

Timekeeper said now grinning like a serial killer pointing the sharp end of the key closer to the queen's neck.

The queen never felt more scared in her dear life.
But even Sea Fairy felt Timekeeper was right...she couldn't have the heart for it.

''True...but you don't need to do this...let her go. Please.''

Milky Way now got up and on her knees and placing her hand on the frost bitten wound.
Frost Queen looked at Sea in awe and her eyes clearly said 'thank you'.
''...Ugh fine! MAYBE i'll let this universe untouched.''
Timekeeper groaned and let Frost Queen go, and had an annoyed look.

''As for you,''
Timekeeper look to Milky Way now smiling.

''For my own pleasure and others. I want the ruthless queen to say sorry to her.''
''W-wait...then what happend just now?"
Milky Way spoked up.

Timekeeper finally explain every single thing and leaving Sea Fairy and Milky Way shocked and making Milky Way felt more despair than ever.
Even Frost Queen felt guilt for the two women.

''Well we will be leaving so bye-bye!"

Timeskip where Time and Sea went to the normal universe.

Now leaving Frost Queen and Milky Way alone at the top of the tower
Milky Way remembered she need to leave in an instant but Frost Queen also remembered she needed to apologize to her...

''Ah...Milky Way?"
She said in a soft tone.

Milky Way said in a tired yet annoyed tone

''Look, im sorry that i hit you...in the first place...and maybe by this chance i am sorry too for myself making you're life like this...
Im sorry."
The queen apologized and felt more weight to her shoulders

Milky Way looked at the queen knowing she made some mistakes too...
So both women apologized.

''Well...im sorry to about the whole interrupted the law of nature thing...so sorry for that, and thank you. Im thankful. I forgive you Frost Queen.''

As Milky Way spoke she smiled and the queen smiled and went to the beach and went to their own destination

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