[ Alluring Cresent and Freezed Fairy ]

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•>Please forgive me...<•


As both Milky Way and Frost Queen go to their destination.

The exact place where Sea Fairy was cursed was replaced by a portal gently puts her down on top the ice platform.

As Cresent was sleeping at her cresent moon, she was morphed to a portal unknowing because of her sleeping, she woke up and see her surrounding

''What. Why is the night sky is purple?

She said as she change the gleaming twinkling starry night to a luminous yet dark night from a click from her fingers.

''Now. Im pretty sure i've already torture enough people as my liking...now its-''

Cresent was cutted off by herself looking down, seeing she was at the sea.
The place where Sea Fairy was frozened.

''...i really need autopilot on my moon huh.''
She lowered her moon down to the frozened water and began walking, and began to getting closer to the cursed lady. Unknowing she was actually cursed

She went behind the lady reasy her sycthe to make her sleep and curse her some nightmares...sadly like other people she had done before...

''I wonder who will be my next victim~ ABYSS-"
As she almost torture Sea...she looked closer seeing the cursed one, just staying the position for the Moon's light.


''Abyss...? No way you can't be frozen...''
She looked more and in detail, she was wearing her usual clothing. Not what Abyss would wear, again no trident yet to be seen.

''Wait a minute... You're playing a prank huh Sea~?"
She said yet in a teasing voice, and yet unheard.


''C'mon...unfrozen...you didn't got me but nice try.''
She said in a serious tone while poking Sea with the end of her weapon

Silence filled the air

''...Abyss. Im serious now.''
She said but worried.


''Don't make me do it myself.''


''Argh-thats IT!"
She grunted angrly making the sky grew redder.

She then grabbed and slashed her sycthe to the other woman, resulting her grunting after and seeing the tiny particels of ice and cracks to the poor other one.
She slashed her sycthe more to the statue, not 1, not 2, not 3...almost 4 times...

She stopped and growled.

She then again slashed her sycthe again full on force for the fourth time resulting now more damage to Sea, making Sea Fairy's hair sliced in half, sinking to the ocean.

Cresent was panting after all the slaying.
She can't even believed her own eyes.

Sea Fairy didn't even acted up.
She is cursed...for real...

Cresent face dropped same as her own sycthe clanking to the ice.
She quickly run to the ice statue.


She yelled as she also realized she just made the entire situation even worse.
She kneeled down collecting all the broken piece, knowing she is, oh so fucked up.

''Ok-i-i can save you now! Just n-need this and i-i-i'll patch you up a-again!"
She collect all the ice shard, and attemped to clump it to Sea's frozen body.

But, as she tried, it didn't worked...
She just crawled into a ball near Sea and began panicking.

Her head felt heavy with all the thougths filling it up.
Her sight became blurry.
She was shaking, all from the cold and from her own mess she made...
what have i 've done...?
What have I've done?
She thought...

And not so long enough.
She began to cry.
She just sit there crying...hair pulling...
She began to felt anger again. And screamed to the top of her lungs.

She just screams so loud, it rung her ears.

She sobbed loudly after, and what it seem to be like 2 minutes, she began to calmed down a bit.

The dark red sky grew redder from her own rage.
Now turn to more of a normal night sky.
Intense wave's began to wash up all the broken piece's.

As she calmed down, she grabbed her sycthe and use it as a cane to help her get up.
She now hold it normally and began to walk closer to look at the damage she made, and then looked face to face to Sea Fairy.

She cupped Sea Fairy's face one handed, looking at the poor woman...
Cresent calmed face changed to a depresed look and dropped her sycthe to immediately hugged the poor woman.

Between sobs and chocking from all her tears...yet she begged...

''Look...Sea Fairy...im s-so sorry...please forgive me...

She then hugged her tighther hoping it will not cracked the ice more.
Damn this was a pain to write smh :')

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