[ Zephry of Life and Fire Spirit ]

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•>Im here now...<•



Zephyr said not suprised. He was sitting in a lotus pose from one of the tree bark of the blissful forest, now just a grass floor.

He was unexpectedly transported from his pond haven when he was meditating.
He looked around.
He was shocked of how much had change from the past, truly shocking for him.

"Well lets get this over with then."

Zephyr then wander around the forest to meet Fire.

He really need to talk to Timekeeper about all this stupid nonsense she make, he just wanted this to end and no change in the past at all.

A few long walks in the grassy realm...
eventually Zephyr found Fire Spirit

"WI~ND WHERE ARE YOU?" He heard Fire yelled.

"There he is

Fire heard Zephyr yelled and eventually ran to the voice.

"Wind! There you are! I've trying to find you for ages-woah"

Fire was cut off by a new look Wind has

...he was like an angel... wings? Since when he had those?! And...more powerful too...i felt my fire grew stronger, from his powers...right?

"Yes Fire?"

"No way...you look more...different? I-i dont know what to say you look so awesome!" Fire compliment Zephyr.

All Zephyr do was giggled as he saw the spirit confused but excited as well
Zephyr then sat down to the grass followed by Fire sat down next to him.

"Dude i never knew you had wings?"
"Well its like a transformation so nothing special for me."
"Nothing special"

"It looks so soft like a birds wing too..."


"People said if you touch birds wing. They'll get horny?"


"You really think i'll get horny by just because you holding my wings?"
Even Zephyr was a little flustered but try his best not to show it.

"Im just thinking about it heh"
"I forgot you could be so random at some times too..."
"Meh... now. Can i pet...or touch it?"

Zephyr was suprised. But Flame usually asked to do it to sometime...so he let him.

"Why of course" Zephyr smiled.

Fire was shocked. Even tho the normal Wind will just hissed like an angry cat and said no

but anyway-

both sit to the ground and the spirit scooted over while Zephyr let out one of his wings.
And Fire let out his hands and patted Zephyr's wings.
He try his best to be gentle because he is excited but need to remain calm.

The wings felt so soft...and fluffy!
Zephyr felt warm and relaxed by the touch.

Fire goes to the bottom part of the wing, sure it nothing much but it sure make Zephyr blushed.

Because of the warmth. Right?

Ok i'll stop TvT

"Hm? Ah yeah?"
"Why are you blushing?"
"It just you're making me felt warm. It feels nice Fire" Zephyr smiled.

Fire couldn't help but blushed too,
Then he let out his hands out and then felt exhausted.

"Tired Fire?"
"What? Well yeah kind of."
"Here, lay on my lap."

Fire was suprised but he decided to do so. he laid down as his fire hair laid within Zephyr's lap.


I headcanon that Fire Spirit's hair is not really that hurtful to touch unlike real fire but it felt warm too

Also at some emotion his fire hair grew more stronger like
Anger: extremly hot
Sad: wored out and felt tad bit cold
I know it sounded weird but it won't come off of my brainnn

Aight back to the story

He shift to a more comfy position.
Fire then looked up to the archer/angel,
Zephyr just smile ever so sweetly as Fire just there treated like a baby.

Zephyr always loved when he did this to Lord of Flames, Zephyr just closed his eyes as his past partner just there.

Now a nice silence enters the chat...

I just imagine Flame there, talking with him...i wonder what universe he is in now? I hope the others also okay...

And nice silence left the chat.

"So...you've changed you're looks?"
Zephyr eyes shot open again

"You can say it like that"
"This look actually fit you more than ever,  like a..."
"Different person?"

Both eventually start a sweet chit chat afterwards.

"I wonder if i can have a new look too"
"I can already picture it now actually"
"Yeah, i imagined you are lord of all flames. Even more powerfull than Pitaya Dragon"
"That is actually sounded so cool too!"
"Why thank you"

Zephyr smiled,
Now Fire feel warm because of that view.

"So you're like...a zephyr of life?"
"That sounds fitting, yeah i guess!"
"Heh im so smart."
"Yeah yeah." Zephyr rolled his eyes smiling.

Fire then continued his talk hence Zephyr just there listening to him.
At the same time he grabbed one of his hand and played along his hair
Fire felt a hand on his head and blushed a bit.

He never knew Wind would do that...

Well it felt nice so he wouldn't bother much.

"You know Wind...i kinda like you being like this...just kind and nice"

"Does that mean im just a old meanie the entire time?"

"Not to others...to me! I mean, im just like here like, you just being nice to me once, this is actual longest talk we both have togethere..."

Zephyr was shocked of the sudden heart to heart talk.
He never knew Fire was this...lonely, even he thought they were true rivals...

"Well...im here now Flame..."

Fire was there looking at Zephyr face to face. Seeing the angel smiled oh so sweet.

"Well...i guess you're right. Thanks archer..."

Fire let his hand and hold the angels free hand...
Zephyr felt happy when Fire is happy...both of the men stayed like that for a while.

And the day went out like normal.

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