Chaptor 31

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" Finally I will get her back and she will be my Queen again "


I got a call from Firefly this morning and to be honest I was worried .

Usually she's always so independent and never depends on anyone .

Not even me and i don't even understand it sometimes

She called and told me she was worried which she never is and that she had a nightmare about Vittore and him .

Every since this morning my anxiety has been up because every-time she has a nightmare it's usually something behind it .

I have been talking with my mom and dad every since I came home a few years ago .

Vittore kidnapped me , Aurora and some other kids but we never told anyone .

Not that we're scared or anything but when we do it we want to be able to kill him and sometimes people let them anger get the best of them .

I decided I wanted to go see Aurora and check up on her because I know she is going to be wit on edge all day or act like everything completely normal .

I pull up to their house and I can hear streaming ? Which is unusually because usually they torture at night time and eve it hang sound proof .

Hello I said as I entered the house

What do you mean he's gone Aurora mom said

Find my son right and if you don't it'll be your last fucking day I heard Aurora dad said

Where they fuck is my nephew I heard some other people say

Aye what's going on I said

They took him Milo said punching a wall

Who I asked

Luca they took him and left this fucking note Cameron said slamming it in the table

Okay we'll find him everyone come down I said making everyone sit at the table so we could talk without yelling

Okay now what does the note says ? Has anyone read it ?

No's when around and I scoffed

How could you guys not read the note , give it to me and I'll read it .

Read it out load they said in unison

The De'Luca family

If you getting this that mean I have successfully kidnapped you precious son . Unfortunately I also kidnapped he's friend Roman I believe too .

Now I'm going to make this simple . I want Aurora. If I don't get her your son will be dead and so will his little friend . And don't bother Tyrion today kind me because you won't .

Aurora will know who this is from and if she's still that little girl who will care for her love one she will come back to me and save her precious family . Now nothing had happened to your beloved but will soon if I don't get her .

From - Aurora will know J.

Oh no I said out loud

What do you mean " oh no " her grandfather said

It's not my story to tell but when I got kidnapped Aurora was already there . I quickly learned she was closed off and he tried to train most of us to be assassin, street fighter , and street racers . He wanted us to be the best .

But the problem was some of us were skit not built for it so . Aurora was too talented for everything she also was golden with everything he made her train harder than everyone else and sis sage was "the one " . She wouldn't let anybody walk over her and hated disrespect and he loved that she was different .

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