Chaptor 22

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*Goodnight they said as we parted ways to go upstairs .
( I'm sleeping Wednesday so it Thursday , April 7 and Monday they are on spring break for 2 weeks , remember this because it's important .)

I get up and look at my alarm clock 3:00am the dot .


I get dressed into some workout clothes and head to the gym and mainly box and run for about 2 hours

After that I checked the time and it's 5:06 so I head upstairs and take a shower , put on some clothes , grab my gun and knife and a purse because I have a busy day today .

I head back downstairs and see the clock read 6:48am so it's almost time for everybody to wake up .

While sim waiting I check my emails and got in the phone with my best friend Gabriella and doubles check everything with her , which was a "job " I had to do on some dude , I had to go to the company and double check everything ( even though I'm the CEO I still go check in everything and everybody to make sure everything in place and whatever ) , and I also have a fight I have to do later on tonight too .

Around 30 mins pass and I hear everyone starting to come downstairs and so on .

We all sit down and start to eat breakfast and I take that as my time to ask/tell my dad km will be out for the day and be back later on .

"I'm going to my company , to check on some things and so fourth "I said directly my attention to my dad ( I still haven't called them dad and mom yet by the way ) .

"When will you be home and aren't you going to school "? He asked

"Yes I'm still going to school but I was going to leave around 1:00ish and then come home around maybe 11:00pm-ish if that not to late "I said .

"Okay but you need to bring I bodyguard with your because anything can happen and we do have enemies" he said

I heard Luca chuckle but covered it by coughing with I glared at him for that .

"I don't really think I need a bodyguard "I said

For crying out loud I'm the most feared assassin in the world

"You have to bring one unless you want to bring one of your brothers or uncles " my dad said

"Uh I'll bring Luca "I said

"Yeah she bringing me" Luca said smirking

"Oh shut up Luca" I said playfully

"Awwww you guys see how she picks my everytime ? This proves I'm a favorite" Luca said as I watched everyone either looked jealous or mad

"No your not" I coughed out loudly for everyone to hear .

*Gasps in not Luca said acting fake hurt , I mean how could you not pick me I'm your twin .

"Your my twin , and not my favorite "i said

"So you do have a favorite person Angelo my brother "said ( I just realized I only talk about Milo and Lorenzo ( aka Mr.Grumpy which are her brother so I'm going to include more of her brothers ) .

"Uhhh "I said as all the attention came toward  me

"Should we get going" I said looking at the time that read 8:03am

"Yea get to school" Giovanno my other brother said

"Alright bye everyone "i said hugging my mom and waving everyone the girls goodbye and everyone else a nod

*At school

"Alright be safe "Luca said our everyone as we made our way to our classes

The day went bye really fast and it was soon lunch , I was so glad because I finally saw Gabriella at school and even though i saw her like 2 weeks ago or on FaceTime  it's not the same as seeing her at school and in person . But sadly she had to leave early like she always does because she never can go a full day at school which is crazy .

I get my food and walk over to my brothers tables because I was told that I have to sit with them every day because i might be dangerous not having protection around in case something goes wrong . I greet my brothers and their friends as some of them smirk at me and some just nod knowing if they tried skme ring with me they would get their asses beat because of my overprotective brothers .

Roman was at the table and we didn't say a word to each other we just simple glared at each other from time to time .

After we ate lunch , and k was making my way out of the school , this bimbo Brittany i guess made a so called threat to me saying and I quote " Stay away from the De'Luca brother and Roman they are mine and I don't want u with them , my daddy's the principal as I can have you out of here in a quick second, so sk t mess with me bitch she said ".

Like can you believe it ? Those are my brothers and Roman he Amy be hot but I hate him .  And I was going to let her slide hit when she called me a bitch , disrespectful, and disrespecting is a big mistake .

Listen here Brittany I said , " Don't ever call me a bitch agin or I will personally hurt you til you be for me to stop , I will do unimaginable things to you and I won't hesitate to kill your and wipe your family off the face of the earth , so don't come with me " I told her a few more threats that I will certainly carry out if she doesn't listen .

"O-kk-okay "she said stuttering as she quickly walked firm me nearly tripping in her slutty outfit and 6 inch heels .

Anyways I get in my car and wait for Luca since he is coming with me and soon as he gets i sled to my clmalmh because showing up unexpectedly to my employees will test if they are really doing their jobs right .

I get genre and everyone nods at me as Luca fools a little behind me in awe at my company and building .

"There is a game room , movie threate , and mini food court here so just ask Charlotte one of my assistants to help y out get to where you're any as I should be back in a couple of hours" I said to Luca and we walked in .

"Charlotte" I said as I saw her , "this is my brother help him with anything he needs I" said to her as I hugged my brother goodbye and makes my way to where my employees work .

I see everyone doing their jobs and I smile to myself knowing my hard work paid and is paying off .

"Thank you everybody for doing your jobs , you will all have a raise in your next 2 paychecks and after the launch scrubs sill have a paid vacation and you will take 5 days off but soon after that you will have to work harder to get everything out . Got it ?" I said to everyone

A chorus of Yes maim and thank you went around as I made my way to my office and drowned myself in meetings , emails and paperwork .

*After I finished my work at my company

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