Chaptor 12

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I then started to get sleepy so I fell asleep on Cameron I'm pretty sure and my last thought was I have grandparents .

*In the Morning

Wake up Aurora
Rise and shine sleeping beauty

My cousins said

I've been up for at least 2 hours. I just have been quiet and bored , thinking . They told me we were going on a run at 5:00am so I didn't workout like usual .

"I'm already up what time is it" I said .

"4:55am" my mom said

"Ok I'm going to get dressed" I said getting up

I get dressed , brush my , teeth , shower and put makeup on my tattoos , I don't want to show which is only my merciless tattoo and one shot tattoo.

I get up and put this on and head downstairs

"You guys ready" ? I asked as I made my way downstairs

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"You guys ready" ? I asked as I made my way downstairs.

"Yep" I saw everyone and they all had similar outfits on .

Some of the boys had nikewear on and the girls had similar outfits to mine .

Considering all the children the women had that look highly fit and so do the men .

Airtight so are we taking a car there or ...

My father stated chuckling

What is with all the dam chucking lately ?

Who know

"We run there and we drive back" he said trying to see my emotions .

Okay i said emotionless as I put my hair in a tighter ponytail and tied my shoes extra tight .

"Okay "he said

"Yeah you guys ready" I asked again as they look amused

"Yea "they said

"So who's the fastest" I asked with a smirk

"I am , Mr.Grumpy "said as we made our way out the house

"Soon to be second" I said as everyone started chuckling

Thanks for the faith

"Sure Mr.Grumpy" ( aka Angelo ) said

We started running so im guessing is a family park because nobody was their and it had a big ass De ' Luca sign on it .

Whilst we was running the  whole time I kept up with Angelo and I guessing he was surprised as everybody else's was at least 10'feet behind us .

I was actually going pretty slow this is nothing , this is more like walking to me than running even though we're running pretty fast for an average person .

"Wow this is a big park" I said to my dad

"Thank you" he said

"So what do we do now are we heading back or are we going to do some workouts" I asked ?

"Your not tired" my brother asked

"Not in the slightest" I said truthfully

"Okay well we can do some workouts" he said okay

We worked out for about 30 mins just me and Mr.Grumpy while everyone else watches us and was still panting .

By the end of the workout my brother was panting and I could tell he was trying to out do me, but came up unsuccessfully each time .

They looked at my brother them at me and asked once again " You're not tired " they asked nope I said this is really light work to what I usually do .

"Okay let's go to the car" they said

"Oh I'll run back" I said I needed to talk to my best-friend about our company plus I wanted to run more .

"You sure "? my mother asked

"Yep "I said

"I should be there in 2-5 minute" I said truthfully

"You know that the run took everybody an hour right " my mom said

"Yeah I was going slow" I said

non c'è modo che torni in meno di 10 minuti. Il più veloce è stato il nonno e gli ci sono voluti 15 minuti my brother said ( theres no way shes gonna be back in less than 10 mins . The fastest was Grandfather and it took him 15 mins ).

Wow , I love a challenge let's see if I can make it in 3

"Back to English please "I said acting like I didn't know Italian .

"Oh my bad" my brother said

"Okay well we can time you and if you can make it in less than 15 mins I'll give you anything you want" my brother said

"Anything "I said

"Fine then I want your lambo" I said

"Fine" he said

He's gonna be so pissed when he has to hand that pretty ass car to me

"Everybody hears this right" I said

"Yep "they said chucking

"It should take us 5 minutes to get there you shouldn't be back by then" he said with a smirk

"Okay" I said

Soon as I heard they're engine start up I immediately started running back home . 2 minutes have passed and I already see the house I check the time and it's been 3 minutes and 5 seconds record time I said to myself

About 2-3 minutes later my family showed up and I was just sitting there waiting for them , I wanted to claim my prize and I sure was

"How "
"She did it "

"Yep now hand over my lambo" I said to my brother as I smirked

"How did you do that "my uncle said

"Easy I ran and got here waited 2 minutes and you guys pulled up" I said  .

"Let's go inside the house" i said it was low key cold and I wasn't going to be sick because they're still in shock .

"Okay so I'll give you a few more hours with my new car" I said to my brother and i smirked .

"Fine "he mumbled

"So when is the rest of the family getting here" I asked as I sat on the couch

"Around 2 "my dad said

"Okay I'm going to take a shower and I'll be back down here for breakfast "I said .

I got dressed and out this on and decided to let my long hair down ( my hair is just a little bit longer than my lower butt cheek ) and it's dark hair with some highlights in it .

* Downstairs

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