18. The Missing Link

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Jasmine's POV:

I slowly stumbled over to Maddy, staring at the shivering girl in her arms. "Bosco...?"

She cried against her sister's shoulder, holding onto her for dear life. "I-I didn't wanna do it!" She hiccuped, trying to curl up even farther against Maddy. "They told me it was the right thing! I swear I tried to fight back!"

We were silent, Bosco's cries echoing around us. Slowly, she raised her head, wiping her eyes before she looked up at all of us. "I-I'm so sorry..." She sniffled, trembling against Maddy. "I've destroyed everything!"

Camden gasped, holding Angie to her chest. "Look at her eyes..."

I looked into Bosco's teary eyes, hardly believing what I was looking at. One eye was filled with moonlight and bright starlight, and the other glowed with sunlight. Bosco whimpered under our stares, bottom lip quivering. She brushed back her dark hair, a blonde stripe now running along it.

"P-Please let me make it right before you send me back to them..." She cried. "Please please let me make it right..."

I shook my head, kneeling beside her. "I'm not sending you back to them..."

Bosco sniffled, clinging to her sister. "B-But I've ruined everything. Everything is dark and gray. I-I've killed so many..." She wiped her eyes. "I d-deserve it."

"Damn right you fucking do." Orion mumbled, petting Steven's fur to keep herself calm. "Bring my girlfriend back and maybe I'll change my mind."

Bosco flinched at the sharpness in her voice, keeping close to Maddy's fading body. "C-Can I please make it right, princess...?" She looked up at me. "Starting with my sister?"

I stared at her before slowly nodding, backing up from her. I was still unsure, wanting to see if she'd truly do it. "Do what you must..."

Bosco dried the rest of her tears before gently laying Maddy down on her back. She raised her hand to her sister's chest, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as her hand began to glow.

The light began to spread over Maddy's body, and I watched with wide eyes as her skin began to return to its normal color. Her eyes snapped open, the glossy shadows in them starting to fade and fill with starlight once more. The storm cloud that was once always above her head started to return, and raindrops began falling from her fingers.

Maddy gasped, sitting up and looking around. Her wings shot up behind her, the gray feathers coming back even fluffier than they once were. She blinked a couple times, focusing on her little sister in front of her. "...B-Bosco?"

Bosco cried again, throwing her arms around Maddy's neck. "I'm so sorry Maddy!" She sobbed. "I-I was trying to keep you alive but the shadows wouldn't let me give you your power back a-and-"

Maddy hushed her, holding her in a tight embrace and helping her stand. "I know, hun. I know..." She stroked her hair, trying to calm her down. "But you have a lot of work to do." She turned her towards Camden and Angie.

Bosco nodded a little, her legs shaky as she walked over. "C-Can I...?" She looked down at Camden nervously.

Camden eyed her suspiciously for a moment, sighing nervously and laying Angie down in the dark grass. "P-Please..."

Bosco laid her hand over Angie's chest, the palm of it glowing once more. I watched as she repeated what she did with Maddy, color returning to Angie's skin. Her eyes opened, the shadows clearing from them and the sunlight returning. Her wings twitched, and she slowly sat up.

The land sprung back to life beneath her when her power was restored. The grass turned green once more, flowers springing up from the ground bigger than ever before and the tree branches raising high up towards the sky.

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