11. Trapped

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Bosco's POV:

It was the perfect opportunity to take her powers. Her glorious, amazingly strong powers. Her lips were on mine, my arms were tight around her. I could take it all right now.

But I didn't.

Instead, I kept our kiss gentle and sweet before we pulled away. I mentally cursed myself. I wasn't supposed to be falling in love with Jasmine. But I couldn't stop myself.

"W-Wow..." Jasmine whispered, slowly laying her head against my chest. "That was nice..."

I gazed down at her, gently running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, that was..."

Jasmine smiled, and damnit I wanted to kiss her again. I went to pull her back in for another kiss, stopping when the door to the throne room slammed open.

"J-Jasmine!" Orion cried, rushing into the room. Tears ran down her face as she struggled to keep it together. "I-I need to talk to you. In private. Please?-"

Jasmine quickly pulled herself off of my lap before Orion could notice. She straightened herself out, walking down to meet her. "Of course. I'll be right back, Bosco."

I nodded, catching Orion's eye. She glared as she turned away, and I couldn't help but smile. Her little flower friend must've been captured like I asked, and Orion wouldn't be here for much longer once her secret was exposed. That, and I knew I had Jasmine wrapped around my finger. Her suspicion of me didn't matter when not even the princess would believe her.

I watched them leave before stepping down from the throne myself. I spread my wings as I approached the window, disappearing into shadows and making my way to the cliffs.

After years of being trapped there myself, I made it my home. I knew the mazes of tunnels within them like the back of my hand, and I knew the different dangers and threats even better. I could handle them easily, but a little itty bitty thing like that girl was no match at all. It was kinda funny.

The air was colder tonight. I knew it was probably because of me. I watched for anyone near the border, surprised when not finding Camden with her own little friend. But it was only a matter of time until I did.

I ducked into the cliffs, hearing the quiet echoes of the girl's cries throughout the tunnels. I found her cornered against one of the stone walls, cowering with her wings wrapped around herself as the dark stallion kept her in place.

"Good boy." I praised him, patting his neck and letting him disappear into dark mist for now. The girl slowly pulled her wings away from her face, looking up and screaming when her eyes landed on me.

I rolled my eyes, snapping my fingers and watching as a shadow lifted her by one of her wings. She yelped, flailing as her wings flapped helplessly. Tears ran down her cheeks as I made sure she stayed up, walking over and hooking a finger roughly under her chin.

"You poor little baby." I pouted before chuckling. "Tell me your name."

She quickly shook her head, continuing to struggle. I huffed, reaching my hand out and roughly plucking one of her feathers.

She let out a small cry, shivering as she hung by her wing. I leaned closer, holding her by the chin and digging my sharp nails into her skin. "I said, tell me your name."

She whimpered, obviously not doing a good job at keeping it together. "I-It's Jorgeous..." She cried, trying to pull her head away from my hold.

I only tightened it, smiling as I met her eyes. "You're a pretty little thing, aren't you Jorgeous?"

She only cried more, her chest heaving and her limbs shaking. "Y-You're hurting me-" She sobbed, the wing she was held by stretched out in an unnatural way. "P-Please let me go-"

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