10. The Chase

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Orion's POV:

I kept my wings around Jorgeous's small frame, trying to comfort her as she sobbed against my chest. "My sweet star, it's okay..."

"Sh-She's really gone..." She whispered, wrapping her arms tight around my neck. "J-Just faded away right in front of me. Nothing but dust now. W-Why does this have to happen...?"

I kept her close, placing small kisses against the top of her head. "I'm so sorry, love. I'm so, so sorry."

She finally raised her head, sniffling as she pulled herself on top of me. I leaned back against the grass, letting my wings fall back and my arms tighten around her waist. "My poor baby..." I tried drying away her tears.

Jorgeous snuggled against my chest, tracing her finger over the stardust that covered my collarbone. I laid my hand on her upper leg, tracing my thumb in small circles. "What you said happened to her that led to all of this...it happened to my friend Maddy too."

Jorgeous met my eyes, looking scared. "O-Oh...do you think there's someone causing it? That's what I've heard Angie talk about with Deja. They think there's someone scary trying to hurt us..."

Now that she said it, I was starting to put the pieces together. The shadows over the moon had formed twice now. Everytime was on a night someone's powers were stollen from them. There was someone who just "freed" herself from the shadows. My eyes widened a little. I knew that girl was suspicious. I sat up, deep in thought. "I think they might be right..."

The moment the words left my mouth there was a crack of a tree branch from behind us. Jorgeous jumped, clinging onto me as I turned to look into the dark of the forest behind us. I narrowed my eyes. There was a pair of dull eyes staring back at us. Not the eyes of anyone from under the sun or moon. I stood up, holding Jorgeous protectively. "Who's there?"

It was silent. The eyes faded away but I still felt as if we were being watched. I shook my head, backing up and raising my wings. "We need to go..."

Jorgeous nodded quickly, holding onto me and looking terrified. I went to lift us both into the air, but before I could a mass of darkness swept over us and my breath was knocked out of me.

I gasped as I fell back into the grass, the sound of Jorgeous screaming when she was taken out of my arms making me pull myself up immediately. My eyes went wide when they landed on the dark and shadowy horse in front of me, the trees and grass around us going gray as it took off with my girlfriend.

"Orion!" Jorgeous screamed, wings flailing and arms stretched out as she tried getting away. I shook my head and took off after them, the palm of my hand glowing and forming a star as I aimed it at the shadow.

"Let go of her you piece of shit!" I threw it towards its neck, watching as it passed right through and landed in the grass, the color being stripped away from it. I shook my head, becoming more panicked as I sped my wings up.

"O-Orion help me!" Jorgeous pulled at the shadowy mane, trying to get out of its hold. My heart pounded against my chest as I raised my hand up. I had a bad feeling I knew where this thing was heading.

The palm of my hand glowed pink, and one of my constellations began to do the same. "I'm coming babygirl, I promise..." My wings weren't fast enough, but my friend was.

My constellation sprung to life, the pink dragon bounding down from the night sky and leaving a trail of sparkling stardust behind him. He ran with his claws outstretched towards the stallion, grabbing onto him and dragging him down to the ground.

Jorgeous yelped and tried getting away, the shadows still keeping a tight hold on her as I caught up. I grabbed her by the arms, trying to pull her away from it. "I've got you baby, I've got you..." She grabbed tightly onto me, eyes wide with fear. Just when I almost had her free, there was a sharp pain in my chest and I let out a cry, being knocked to the ground by one of the stallion's hooves.

"Orion!" Jorgeous yelled when it grabbed her again. I did my best to ignore the lingering pain, grabbing onto my constellation's fur and lifting myself onto his back.

"Go, Steven!" I shouted in desperation. He took off after the shadows, claws leaving deep marks in the grass as he swiped at the dark tail. Jorgeous's cries for help filled my head, and I panicked when we reached the cliff of the border.

"No, no, no!" I yelled, tears threatening to spill down my face as the stallion jumped and disappeared into the darkness off the cliff. Steven came to a sharp halt before we could fall down it, and I stared down in fear as Jorgeous's screams echoed against the sharp stones.

My hands shook as I gripped onto Steven's fur, shaking my head. "N-No...my baby..."

I knew I had to get help. Even if that risked exposing my secret. I knew the punishment that awaited me once I revealed it, but I had to save her. I just hoped Jasmine was going to be understanding.

I dropped down from Steven's back, approaching the edge. I could just barely hear her, not able to see where she had been taken. "My sweet baby..."

I went to fly down for a better look, but my wings wouldn't lift me. I froze up, trying again before realizing what had happened when I was hit in the chest. My hands shook even more. "N-No..."

I couldn't fly.

Jasmine's POV:

I was alone in my throne room, sighing as I stared up at the paintings on the walls. It was so quiet and lonely now. I was used to having Maddy to ramble on and on to. Usually Orion would be here practicing new things I had shown her, or Camden would be flying around and almost hurting herself by falling. But they weren't here. It was just me and those guards who didn't actually care to speak to me about anything fun.

Until Bosco pulled herself up beside me on the throne. "...Hi." She said quietly with a small smile. "You look lonely. Can I keep you company?"

My heart skipped a beat. She was so charming and so sweet. I couldn't say no to that. I smiled back at her, letting her sit beside me. "Of course."

Bosco hummed as she pulled herself close, and I blushed heavily when her dark wing was wrapped around me. She leaned in close, her breath fanning across my ear. "You're so pretty. No wonder why you were chosen to be the princess of the moon."

I could've passed out right then and there. "O-Oh, thank you-" I stuttered, not able to tear my eyes away from hers. She giggled softly, reaching out and tracing a finger over my feathers.

My wings shivered under her touch and my breath hitched when her arm moved around my waist. I licked my lips, knowing damn well this girl had me wrapped around her finger.

"So, so pretty..." She whispered, one of her hands on the back of my neck as she pulled herself closer. Her forehead rested against mine, and I was sure she could hear my heart pounding.

"Want you for myself." She smiled before closing the space between us, our lips connecting. My eyes went wide but I immediately leaned into it, slowly closing them and tilting my head.

Her lips were cold against mine. Cold but so soft. She used the arm around my waist to pull me into her lap, and I gladly let her, wrapping my arms around her neck and parting my lips when she traced her tongue over my bottom one.

I could hardly process what was happening, but I didn't want it to stop.


This was a fun one. Hope you enjoyed!

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