3. Stars and Shadows

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Jorgeous's POV:

I peeked into Angie's room to make sure she was distracted. She laid in her bed of flowers with her wings wrapped around herself, concentrating on the beam of sunlight in her hand. I sighed in relief and quietly hurried down to the first floor, climbing down the different vines that seemed to know I was up to something. My hand got stuck on one and I huffed, pulling away from it.

I grabbed one of the woven baskets, placing the mushrooms I had gotten from Willow into it. I didn't know a whole lot about what went into these things, I kinda just copied what I saw Angie do. I grabbed the flowers that she hadn't used, not even bothering to grow my own right now. The sun was already beginning to set, I didn't have time to mess this up.

It wasn't much, but I hoped it would do. I snuck out as quietly as possible, pushing past the brambles around the doorway that seemed to try to keep me inside. I didn't know exactly where to do this, but I knew it had to be away from where anyone would see me. If whoever showed up spotted me watching they could get me into serious trouble.

Suddenly the perfect place came to mind. I quickly navigated my way through the trees that lined the area not too far from the town. Just beyond them was an area Angie had restricted Willow and I from going to. She said it was dangerous since it separated our land from the people of the night's land, but it didn't seem that bad when I had gone to it the first time.

There were no paths here, just overgrown grass and bushes that were the complete opposite of the nice looking flower beds and and greenery close to the town. Angie was powerful, but she was always so busy now she hardly had time to tend to the rest of our home. I guess that's why there was so much pressure on Willow and I to master our abilities.

I came to screeching stop when I reached where I wanted to be, eyes wide when I stared down over the large cliff. Daya always told us there were bad things that lived down there. I was certain she was just saying that to scare us, but just in case I kept a safe distance. I put the basket down and took a breath, kneeling down beside it and looking up at the sunset.

I didn't remember exactly how Angie had phrased it, but I did my best. "P-People of the moon..." I stuttered, nervously playing with my hands as I tried to remember. "I call upon you to ask for your assistance..."

My mind blanked. I wasn't exactly asking for help. I just wanted to make sure I saw the pretty stars tonight. But the sun was beginning to fully set and I had to make this fast.

"P-Please send the stars..." I said, starting to shiver as it began to grow dark. We weren't made to be out in the dark, but I was desperate. "The most beautiful stars you can, please..."

I know I probably sounded pathetic. I sighed and wrapped my wings around myself as I went to hide in the brambles of a bush. The leaves seemed to part for me, like they wanted me to be there. The sun set and everything went dark, and I tried not to be afraid of it as I waited.

I distracted myself by repairing the bush, touching my finger to one of the dried up branches and watching as it burst into full green color once more. I smiled, tracing one of the flower petals and watching it straighten up.

I don't know how long I had been waiting, but I was beginning to fall asleep. Just as I thought my eyes would fall shut there was a noise from above that sounded like wind, and I looked up from the brambles to see her.

She seemed to fly so effortlessly. Her hands were glowing as she flipped and twisted through the sky, leaving stars behind her with every move. My jaw dropped as I watched.

The stars were absolutely beautiful up close. But so was this girl.

I had never seen wings like hers before. They weren't just one color. They were a mix of blues and pinks and yellows that matched the stars she left behind. I watched in awe as she paused in the sky with her wings stretched out above her head, her eyes closed before there was a bright flash of light and stars began to dot the entire night sky.

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