Part 35

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*jayla and Javon both look at eachother with a shocked face*

Jaden: can we talk in private?


*u and jaden walk upstairs and go into his bedroom, he closes the door and looks up at u*

- I could tell his face was mad -

Jaden: did u know about this for a while?
Y/n: no my parents just told me when I got home..

Jaden: what's gonna happen to us? To school

Y/n: I don't know..

Jaden: why can't u just live with us?

Y/ dad wont let..and I'd be too far from my family that's it ur just gonna leave!
*jaden turns around with a red face*

Y/n: jaden..


*u grab his hand*

Y/n: nothings gonna change..I'll visit!

Jaden: visit?!

Y/n: ya maybe a week a month!

Jaden: that's too little..we're not going anywhere with our relationship

Y/n: where would we go anyways we're teenagers..

Jaden: ya but I still love u.

Y/n: i love u too! But it's not my choice!

Jaden: look just ask ur dad if u could live here 

Y/n: ok..but I don't think he would say yes

Jaden: just do it ok

Y/n: Okok

*u go downstairs*

Javon: ur gonna leave us?

Y/n: I don't know.. I'll ask my parents if I could live here but I don't wanna bother you guys-

Jessica: ur not a bother at all!!

Dj: ya we would love for u to live with us!!

Y/n: really!?

Dj and Jessica: yes!

Y/n; thank you so much..but I still have to talk to my parents about it

Dj: why don't we invite them to dinner just ur parents, me and Jessica, we can talk about it, I'm sure they'd let u live with us.

Y/n: thank you so much. Like really

Jessica: no problem I'll make reservations right now for our favourite restaurant

Y/n: ok!

*u go back home and ur parents are getting ready to go to dinner with dj and Jessica*

Josh: look idk what ur trying to make me do here but we have to move..what's done is done

Y/n: if u say so!

- I always knew dj and Jessica could convince my parents into doing something they didn't want too, even when me and the Walton's had our first sleepover my parents didn't let us at first but dj and Jessica convinced him to say yes and same for most of the vacations I go to with the Walton's-

*ur parents left the house and so did dj and Jessica (ur at the Walton's house waiting for dj and Jessica to come back to tell u the news)

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