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Sabrina's pov

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Sabrina's pov

"Let me talk to her first, okay?" I asked Kai as we were walking out of my room.

He nodded and sat on the couch in the living room. I walked out of house and got into the car Luna was waiting.

"Are we going, mom?"

"No, sweetie. I have to talk to you about something?" She rose her eyebrows.

"About what? Is it something bad?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "why would you think that?"

"Because you were sick yesterday." I sighed and shook my head. "So, am I right?"

"No, Lu. It's not something bad, actually it's good. Something good."

She smiled and crossed her arms. "So, what is it?"

"Remember what I told you about your dad?" Her face expression changed into a sad one. "That he was gone to protect us and we'd more likely never see him again and this-" she pointed at her moon necklace, "was his."

I smiled and nodded. "What if I told you that he's here."

"Here, where?" She asked, looking around.

"In our house Lu." She looked at me and her eyes lit up. "Can I see him?"

A soft chuckle escaped my mouth. "Of course, you can."

She smiled and got out of the car as I did the same. We were at the doorway, when she stopped and looked at me. "What's wrong, Lu?"

"What if he won't like me?"

I crouched down to be at her level. "Tell me name of a person who met you and didn't like you?" I asked, rising my eyebrows. She sighed in defeat and nodded. "But they all knew me since I was little and -"

"Lu." I cut her off. "Yeah?" She replied.

"I promise, he's gonna like you. Now let's go inside, okay?" I got up and gestured at the door but Lu didn't give up. "But how do you-"

She was interepted by sound of door opening. I looked up, seeing Kai standing there with his hands into his pockets.

Luna turned around and closed her mouth when she saw him. "Oh, hello." Kai said with a smile as he crouched down in front of her so they both would be at the same level.

"I'm Kai, what's your name?" He asked with curiosity even though he already knew her name.

"Luna." She replied shyly. Kai let out a little chuckle, "you know that's my favorite name."

"Really?" Luna rose her eyebrows. Kai nodded his head. "Yes."

"Can I ask why?"

"Of course." Kai replied as he got up from his spot. Luna looked up at him, "you know when I was your age, I was....." He hummed, "let's say I was alone most of the times. And those times I'd just sneak out of my room and watch full moon and it's just.... I guess it'd give me some hope." He finished and crouched down again.

"And your name means-"

"Moon?" Luna interepted, holding her necklace now. Kai looked at it and smiled. "My necklace."

"Do you want it back?" Luna asked sadly, clearly she wanted to keep it. Kai noticed the same thing and chuckled. "No, you can have it."

Luna placed the necklace back beneath her shirt and looked at Kai. "Are you going to leave again?"

"No, I promise. I'll never leave you and your mom again if I don't have to."

Luna smiled widely and turned to look at me. "Can I hug him?" I stared at Kai, as he pulled her into his chest. Luna wrapped her little arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder.

I lived for 170 years. And so far this is the happiest I've ever been. They pulled away from each other and Kai said "let's go inside." Luna nodded and walked in as Kai stared at me. "That felt strangely good."

"You'll get used to it." I replied with a smile and was about to follow Kai inside but my phone went off.

"Hello?" No answer. Again. "Hello?" I asked but no avail. This is the second time now. I hang up and stared confused at the phone. And that's when it hit me. What happened yesterday other than Kai coming back to my life.

There were two guys in Whitmore. Trying to hurt Luna.

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