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1994, Portland, OregonThird person's pov

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1994, Portland, Oregon
Third person's pov

Sabrina was walking in the hallway of her university. She never got a chance to graduate before because she got turned into a vampire. So randomly, one day she decided she wanted to start school and graduate. Have a normal life for a change. But she knew she wouldn't be able to do it if she lived with her brothers so 6 years ago, she moved to Portland and started going to school there. Now it was the last year of university. She felt silly for being so excited about graduation, when she was supernatural being. A heretic.

She was born as a siphoner. Meaning she had a different father but her mother managed to hide it as she knew her daughter was siphoner and she wouldn't be able to do magic until she had a magic source.

First time she felt magic was when she turned into a vampire along with her brothers. It took her some time to get adjusted to it but she finally learned how to control her hunger and how to use her magic.

Sabrina was a middle child. She was 170 years old heretic in 20 years old body. She loved listening to music and had a tendency to always overthink, no matter how small the situation or the choice was.

2012, today.
Sabrina's pov

I opened my eyes and the second I had a foot on the ground, my phone went off.

I have to change my number. I thought to myself.

Elena. Wow, first time calling me since Bonnie and my brother died.

I never really liked Elena, she kind of annoyes me and she loves being dramatic.

But my curiousity got best of me and I picked up the call. "Bri, that's you?"

How I hate when someone calls me Bri. I mean it's not that hard to call me my name.

"What's up Elena?"

"Hi, how are you doing? I mean-"

"Let's just skip the chit chat and tell me why you called okay? Luna's gonna wake up any minute."

I heard, she sighed through the phone. "Okay, if that's what you want-"

It is. I thought to myself.

"I decided to forgot Damon. It's been 4 month, it's time for me to let go Bri. I know you probably don't support my decision but-"

"You're right Elena," I cut her off, "I don't but it's your life, your choice I guess."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it and I get that you don't understand it, probably because you've never lost someone you loved as much as I did Damon" I scoffed at this. She has no idea what she's talking about. I've lived for 170 years and she really thinks I've never loved anyone? Well, I did. Once.

"I guess it's all then." Elena spoke awkwardly, "bye Elena." I replied and hang up the phone.

I walked out of my room and into my daughter's room. She was still sleeping peacefully, how I hate when I have to wake her up but that's school.

I walked closer to her and whispered in her ear, "Lu.... Wake up, time to go."

She shifted in her sleep, turning her back at me. "Lu...." I said again.

"Five more minutes, please mom." She opened her eyes and made puppy dog face.

"You better be downstairs in 5 minutes, princess." I warned, using my hands. She smiled and sat up. "How about 10?"

"How about tickles?" I replied and started tickling her before she could protest.

"Mom....stop." she managed to say through laughs. I did and caressed her head, messing up her hair. "Get ready and don't forget your moon necklace." I pointed at bedside table where the necklace was put.

"I won't." She shook her head, jumped out from her bed and placed the necklace on her neck. Once she was done, she looked up at me and smiled, showing her teeth.

"You're so adorable, come here." I engulfed her in a big hug. "I can't breathe mom." She half chuckled, I pulled away and kissed on her cheek. "Get ready."

I walked downstairs and boom. My phone's ringing again, not a surprise though.

"Care?" I asked, I've not seen her since that night but we've talked on the phone every day. I lived in Salvatore house but now there's a border so bye, bye, Mystic Falls.

"I'm so angry, I'm mad, did you know that Stefan wasn't following lead about Damon and Bonnie but living his life somewhere?"

"Care calm down and yes, I did-"

"You did? Sabrina, we need to find a way to help Damon and Bonnie."

"Caroline! Damon's my brother, and Bonnie's one of my best friends, I want them back but it's time to face the reality. They're dead and there's no getting them back now because the other side got destroyed."

"I refuse to believe that, okay. Anyway I need to meet up with Enzo, Alaric said he had a new lead. Talk to you later."

She hang up on me. I know she's mad at Stefan but I kind of understand him. He knows There's nothing that can be done to bring Damon back. He moved on, and Caroline thinks that's a bad thing but actually it's not.

Moving on is the best thing you can do after you're sure that someone you loved more than anything is gone and not coming back.

Listen to your own advice Sabrina. My consciousness warned me But I don't, I never do. I always get lost in my memories.

1994, Portland, Oregon

"Are you lost, princess?" I quickly turned around only to be faced with him.

"No I'm not and stop calling me princess." I replied harshly and walked past him, hitting his shoulder deliberately. He just chuckled and grabbed my arm. "Ahhh." I groaned in pain and looked up at him, he looked shock, he didn't mean to siphon me.

After realizing what he did, he quickly let go of my arm and started walking away. I felt bad for him. He couldn't control his abilities because he wasn't allowed to use them. I remembered all the times I failed miserably before I learned how to do it.

"Kai, wait." I called and started running after him. "Leave me alone Bri."

"But wait, I can help you." He stopped and turned around, I too stopped walking and looked into his eyes. "No one can help me." He replied sadly and looked down. He didn't walk away, which means he wants to learn to control it. He just doesn't believe he can do it or that he's worth it.

I wanted to hug him. But I didn't know if that was a smart choice. He didn't like hugs or when people touched him. I hesitated for a moment but decided to do it. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He didn't hugged me back so I backed away and apologized. "I'm.....uh... I'm sorry, i-"

"No, no. It's okay, it's just -" he trailed off and looked down again. I hated when he did that. It was like he was embarrassed for something that wasn't even his fault.

"It's just weird because no one's ever hugged me before." He chuckled, trying to hide his real emotion sadness behind it.

I decided to change the subject because I knew how much he hated talking about himself. "So? Wanna be my student Parker?" I smiled brightly and waited for his answer.

"Well, I guess.....at least you're hotter than other teachers." He looked up at me and smirked.

"Jerk." I stated and started walking away.

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