Thanks, I Hate It

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The week comes and goes too quickly and he finds himself where he doesn't want to be.
His old farm that he loves and misses dearly. He just doesn't miss the woman inside of it.

He glances back at Jack as he knocks.
No answer.
He rings the doorbell.
He knocks again.
He yells for her, seeing hers and his beloved jeep right there in the driveway.

"Lisa for fucks sake! You knew I was coming! Lisa god fucking damn it open the fucking door!" He yells, glaring at the doorknob as he tries all of his keys, none of them working.

"Oh fuck this shit. Do I have to call the fucking police? Fuck!" He kicks the front door and looks at Jack, "I'm going around." He goes around the fence and tries the back door, no luck.

He finally busts into the tack room attached to their garage and gets in from that way.
He opens the front door looking angry as hell.

"Wanna see my things?" He mutters to Jack, pointing to a pile of garbage bags, his awards and records and plaques all sitting in a sloppy pile, frames broken in a tote bin.

"Years of work, earning these things and now what?" He asks with tears in his eyes and that's when Lisa finally shows herself.

"You broke in? I was in the fucking shower." She glares.

She's always broken him though.

Lisa scoffs, "oh please. Get them then, you big baby. You're fucking pathetic."

Alex stares at her like he's hoping she'll drop dead, "you fucking broke my fucking shit. I swear to fucking god if ANYTHING ELSE of it is broken, I will fucking....ugh!" He wants so badly to threaten her, but he wouldn't ever. He doesn't know how to be that mean, not even to her.

Jack puts his arm around Alex and slowly rubs his shoulder. "Okay let's just get all of your stuff and go." He gives Lisa a look and starts putting all of the things that are clearly Alex's into a bag.

"If there's anything inside I'll help you move it out. No need to argue or anything alright? We're just going to get what we need and be on with our lives." He says, staying cool and collected though he could really go off on Lisa for ever hurting Alex. On the inside he's cussing her out and screaming but for Alex's sake he's ready to get everything they need and leave faster than they came.

He looks at the awards and his heart hurts for his boy. There's so many that he's never even talked about and it reminds him how sweet and humble he is.

Alex sniffles and nods, "room downstairs to the left...everything on the desk is mine, UK flag on the wall is mine, vinyls on the wall are mine." He mumbles quietly, making his way past Lisa up the stairs to their old bedroom.

He finds all of his things that were once there all crumpled up in a pathetic pile on the floor of the closet, from clothes to hats to shoes to things he'd left in the bathroom to little trinkets.

He grabs a box and just throws it all in.

He packs up everything of his that he can find, gets it in the car and finally goes out to the barn to hug his horse.
The horse he used to literally lay down with and cuddle despite the fact that it could roll over at any given moment and crush him if he wanted to. But Theo never did.

He cries as he hugs him and pets him, kissing his nose and running his fingers through his mane, "I love you buddy." He sniffles, wiping his eyes.

He finally gives up and makes his way back to the car after taking the title to his jeep and texting his mom to pick it up whenever she can.
He sits in the drivers seat and just cries it out for a minute, "I hate her so much" he sniffles pathetically.

Jack helps Alex get everything in the car and sits next to him, gently rubbing his thigh. "It's okay, let's just go home. Make that place our home okay?" He whispers, absolutely aching for how broken down Alex looks right now.

"Come on sweetheart. You're better off without her." He kisses his head and rubs his leg a little more.

When they get back home he helps Alex bring everything in, hanging up his flag and setting all his vinyls out.

"Cuddle time? You need some sleep." He lays on the bed and holds his arms out.

Alex sniffles, crawling onto the bed, eyes red and puffy.
He lays his head down on Jack's chest and cuddles him close.
"Thank you" he whispers.

"I'm sorry I freaked out like that." He sniffles, "I'm sorry." His voice cracks at the end and it takes him all he's got to not breakdown all over again.

"I miss my horse" he says before it hits him like a tidal wave and he's sobbing all over again.
He regains himself fast though, reducing himself to sad sniffles.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

Jack pulls him close and kisses the top of his head a million times. "No no no no sorry. The way you acted was totally rational. She broke things that meant a lot to you and decide your house was her own. That's the most manipulative fucked up shit I've ever seen. Don't you apologize for feeling things." He hugs him tighter.

"I'm sorry about your house, baby. I don't know who she thinks she is keeping him. I'm sorry, baby. Just rest." He sighs, thinking back to the precious moment of Alex and Theo and the image just plays over and over in his head like a heartbreaking broken record.

Alex sniffles and nods, "she th-thinks I can't take care of h-him and her attorney argued with m-mine and hers won....Theo is h-here and I never w-want another again b-because he was my b-best friend" he sniffles, hiding his face against Jack's chest, unable to bring himself to stop crying, so he just cries it out again.

Eventually, he cries himself to sleep, glued onto Jack like if he dares to let go, he's going to just lose something else that meant a lot to him and he just can't risk that.

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