How To Live

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Jack smiles to himself when Alex calls him pretty but makes sure that smile is off his face when he looks back at him.

"I can totally see that. You should! It'd be the perfect spot for it." He says as he starts walking down the beach. "It's really a hidden gem. We have a lot of them. How long until you're off to your next location?" He asks, a part of him hoping he has more time to show Alex around.

Alex looks across the water, then back at Jack, "Orlando is next so I have all day so long as I'm there by the time we go on. So I've got until about 7 before I need to get out of here. We're on at 10. Late show at a 21+ bar. Mark thought that would be fun." He rolls his eyes, shaking his head.

"So, that being said, I'm all yours til then if you want me around that long. If not I'll go fuck off back to my hotel and sleep all day. My hangover right now is killer and the Advil hasn't kicked in yet." He smirks.

Jack shakes his head, "no need to fuck off anywhere. I got lots to show you." He walks down to the water and sits down, listening to the crashing of the ocean and letting it hit his toes.

"You have a hangover? We barely drank!" He lets out a little laugh and shrugs. "Aren't you supposed to drink the whole bar and keep going, rockstar?"

Alex rolls his eyes at Jack, "I hardly drank at the bar. I drank heavily at the hotel. Mark likes to rein me in before I get too drunk in public. I have a tendency to get naked and cry a lot. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. I also wander off and get lost and then people find me and wake me up and I panic and it's a whole thing. So I drank at the hotel where dad over there could babysit me." He gives Jack a cheeky little grin, sitting next to him.

"Rockstar's have their downfalls as people too, Jacky." He shrugs, "I tend to be an overly emotional sloppy mess who masks it well until I don't. Typically tequila is the culprit. Something about it gets me riled up. Whiskey and beer is fine. Vodkas alright but I don't like vodka. Tequila though, oof. She and I are both friends and enemies."

Jack looks up the second Alex calls him Jacky, a nickname nobody's ever used on him- usually it's a mix of Jack, JB, or just J but he quite likes it.

"So you're a sad drunk? Noted. I'm kinda the opposite. I become an absolute idiot and essentially think I'm a damn stand up comedian even though I'm definitely the only person laughing at myself. Except wine- wine makes me pretty sleepy. I'm either a seltzer or bourbon boy but I'll drink anything honestly. There's not a lot to do around here so I do it more than you'd think."

He looks down in the sand, tracing little shapes with his fingers. He thinks about the fact that Alex is leaving tomorrow and he'll probably never see him again after that. A part of that excites him and tempts him to go along with all of the flirting- like a little one night stand. His own dirty little secret that only a boy halfway across the world knows about.

Alex smiles at the adorable man next to him and shakes his head, "I think I'd probably find you pretty funny, and even if I didn't, I'd laugh anyway because you're too damn cute not to." He shrugs, scooting a little closer to him.

"Wine makes me really flirty. I like to kiss people when I'm wine drunk." He thinks for a moment and shrugs, "well, truth be told, I like kissing in general. It's fun...and I kind of feel like you get to know a person by the way that they kiss. Are they too soft? Are they aggressive? Or are they just right?"

Jack takes a deep breath and can't help but think *I hope I'm just right.* he looks at Alex, letting the curiosity take him over. They're alone, alex is going to leave- nobody will know. It's a little fun that won't matter tomorrow.

"Tell me which I am." He says and puts a hand behind Alex's head and presses their lips together.

He's nervous so it's a bit gentle at first until he feels a little spark between them and puts more passion into the kiss, scooting closer to Alex till he's practically in his lap.

Alex is shocked at first, hardly responding to the kiss until his brain catches up to what's happening and he's kissing him back just as passionately, arms tightly around him as he lets his tongue slide into his mouth, their lips melding together like that's exactly how they're supposed to be.

He lays Jack down onto the sand, over him as he deepens their kiss even more.

He pulls back just a little, "you are just right." He whispers, leaning back down for more.

Jack smiles against his lips, wanting more just as badly as he does. He slips his tongue in and lets it dance around Alex's mouth. He slides his hand up the back of his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin against his palm.

He feels his heart flipping, not even feeling the guilt he thought he would. He tells himself that Alex does this with everyone and it's not something to get overly excited about but he can't help it.

"You're just right too." He says and rests his forehead against Alexs, meaning what he says even though he hasn't kissed anyone other than his fiancée since they started dating about 5 years ago.

"Come back with me." Alex whispers, looking at him with dark, needy and interested eyes.

"Please." He bites his lip, pressing another kiss to his lips, "please? Come back with me?" He begs, hands roaming his body like it's a piece of artwork.

Jack nods, losing himself in Alex's touch. "Let's go." He gets back on his bike and brings them back, making up some elaborate lie to his boss about getting sick and they buy it.

He allows Alex to take him back to his hotel, not sure what the hell he's thinking. He's totally irrational right now but god it's fun.

In the car ride he shoots a quick text to soup.
JB: if anyone asks I'm at your house because I'm really sick and you're taking care of me. Got it? I'll explain later.

Soup: mmkay gotchu man😵‍💫

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