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Jack goes out to Alex's car and sits in the passenger seat, reflecting on everything that's happened in the past two days and basically reconsidering his whole life.

"I'm gonna miss you too you know?" he finally says and looks over at Alex with a little smile. "So much in fact you'll have to drive with one hand." he takes his hand and holds it over the dashboard.

"I hope this isn't too personal and you don't have to answer but you came in me without a condom so I think It's okay." he giggles a little and nervously looks away. "You don't like.. do this often with people do you? It's fine if you do I really just am curious."

Alex smiles at Jack, squeezing his hand as he starts the dreaded drive back to the turtle rescue address, since that's the only one he's got in the GPS for the tour van he's using to take them back.

He giggles a little at Jack's question, "I'm clean if that's what you're asking. The last person that I had sex with aside from you is my ex wife and that happened six months ago. I messed around with my ex a little but he and I were over before we made it to the actual sex part. I wasn't feeling it with him and kept like putting it off. Guess you're just special." He says with a shrug.

"You know I'm literally gonna drive as slow as I can, right?"

Jack shrugs. "I guess so." His intention wasn't even to ask if Alex was clean. More so he was curious if he was anything special or if Alex is one of those celebrities that knows how many people want him and take advantage of that. Knowing that's not true is oddly reassuring and not at the same time.

"Drive as slow as you want. I don't mind." He smiles a little and looks out the window. "It's a pretty drive anyway. I really do love it here." He looks back at Alex, taking him all in.

He squeezes Alex's hand back and is glad he's not the one driving, totally distracted by the pretty boy next to him.

Alex smiles a little, "it is. If I could get any work done in a place like this, I'd consider living in a smaller place. Sadly, that's not really an option. It was hard when I lived out in the country on my farm. It was totally worth it at the time, but since I moved back to LA, I'm realizing how much more work I'm actually getting done. I just wrote a few songs for some musicians. I also just got an offer to sing on a song for this guy Kayzo, he does like edm music." He shrugs."I still fully expect you to come see me. We've got a marine rescue, you know. Pretend you're coming to LA to see that."

Jack gets home from his night with Alex, making up some elaborate lie about Soup having a mental breakdown and needing him there. He stays over quite a bit so it's not totally abnormal and he isn't questioned at all. Though, he really can't get Alex off his mind. He thought it would be a fun little hookup but now it's the next night and he finds himself disappointed by his whole day. Every second of his day that boy is on his mind. When he cooks he wonders if Alex would like it, when he's on his bike he thinks of Alex on his pegs, when he's at work he finds things he wants to show and teach him. Every waking moment of his day his mind is stuck on Alex. Now he's home from work and sitting on his bed, researching the marine rescue in LA that he told him about.

"What's that?" Levi asks over his shoulder, making him jump.

"Jesus." he giggles and shakes his head. "I was just looking at other places that do conservation work in the US. There's a lot in the south like a LOT but the west coast is pretty big on it too. It'd be a dream to see somewhere like this. I was just curious what kinda stuff they do there. It's cool they have a lot of species we never see around here." Jack explains and closes his laptop.

"Yeah, that's nice. I admire how much you care about these things." he says and runs his hands through Jack's hair placing a little kiss to his lips.

"Thanks." Jack smiles and puts his head down on his shoulder.

Simple Creatures // JalexWhere stories live. Discover now