Need Me

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Jack's awoken by the blaring of his alarm. "Mmm" he groans and hides his face in Alex's side, enjoying his warmth and comfort, never wanting to leave that bed.

"Tell Mark you're sick I'm comfy."

Alex opens his eyes slowly, looking at Jack, "mmmkay" He mumbles, grabbing his phone and texting Mark.

Alex: Puking everywhere can't do it dude.

Mark: Bullshit you brought that guy back to the hotel.

Alex: Sorry puking. Diarrhea too. IBS sucks.

Mark: I'm going to fucking kill you.

Alex: Play some Blink shit idk or cancel I really don't care, I'm not coming. It's fucking Orlando we can reschedule anytime. It's not like bumfuck Idaho where it's hard to find a venue let alone get into it.

Mark: You are lucky I pity your ass after that messy as hell divorce and your last relationship. The sex better be worth it, asshole.

Alex giggles at Mark's text before cuddling back up to Jack, "Mmmmkay, I'm all yours."

Jack giggles, looking over his shoulder. "You're nuts." He shakes his head and closes his eyes again. "That's perfect though. I really don't want to move." He shrugs and cuddles in closer.

"Now We got our whole day just for us.. this is nice." He whispers, pleased that someone would be willing to skip out on something that important just for him.

"Where to after Orlando?"

Alex stretches a little, nuzzling himself against Jack as close as he can be, happy that he actually wants to stay.

"All the way up into New York actually, because from there we play three shows. One in New York City, one in New Jersey and one in Philly, then we go to London for three nights, playing shows there and then back to Los Angeles again." He says with a sigh, "It's a lot but it's worth it in the end. When I'm back in LA I start recording my own stuff again, and I'm traveling to Nashville to stay with my friend Rian. He's doing the drums for my solo music and he owns a recording studio called Track Happy, so that's where I'm recording. But hey, when I'm in Nashville, I'll be a little closer than LA, so I could always come back and see you."

Jack listens to his plans, realizing he'll be gone for a while and a part of him hopes it'll help him not be so attached. He can already feel himself getting that way and worries about feeling that connection and changing around his whole life for someone whose never there. It's disappointing but reassuring at the same time, he tells himself the feels will fade this way.

"Gotcha.." he trails off, lost in his own head for a minute.

"You know I love music. I love listening to it I think it's a beautiful thing but I've never tried to make it. I've always wanted to play guitar.. just never got around to it I guess."

Alex smiles a little at him, noticing the way he went quiet for a second.
"I could teach you if you want?" He asks, sitting up, "I mean, we're kinda gross so if you want to shower...We could do that, or you can and then I can and then I could show you a few things?"

He points over to an all black acoustic, "It's my baby, I love it so much. It would be really cool to have someone to teach a few things to." He offers with a little smile, "And then I could take you to dinner? We could leave so like no one would see you with me, or we could get room service up here, whatever you want?"

Jack admires the guitar. "Wow.. this is stunning. I'd love if you taught me. Maybe we should get room service. I'm sorry to keep you cooped up here it really sucks but if I go out with you, someone grabs a photo, and SOMEONE sees it. I could be in deep shit." he sighs, his guilt starting to set in and make his stomach turn. "Go ahead and shower. I'll go in after." he smiles a little and waits for Alex to disappear into the bathroom before calling up Soup.

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