Chapter 13

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(Y/n) walked into the big apartment also known as Kathrine's house. She looked around in disbelief at how well decorated it was compared to her medium sized apartment (actors don't make much but she isn't dieing, you know?) "(Y/n)! You're here!" Kathrine squealed at the sight of her.

It was the night of the dance and (y/n) had come over to get ready with Kathrine, who was going with a couple of her friends. (Y/n) was holding a small bag filled with her makeup bag, stuff to do her hair, and a few snacks (considering how long it takes for her and Kathrine to get ready for fancy events) she also had her dress draped over her arm.

Kathrine dragged (y/n) up the stairs and sat both of them down on her bed. "Okay here is your towel and wash cloth so you can get a shower, and take your dress with you so that way you can get dressed in there," Kathrine said while grabbing her beige dress that the back went down to her ankles and the front stopped at her knees.

After (y/n) got her shower, got dressed, and did her hair, she knocked on Kathrine's door to see if she was still getting dressed or not. "Kathrine, can I come in?" "Yeah, of course!" Kathrine responded opening the door for her with half of her face already done in makeup. (Y/n) grabbed her makeup bag and a little mirror that Kathrine lent to her. "Ladies, we have more company!" Samantha said as she entered the room, Chandler not too far behind. Chandler was a newsie in Brooklyn but he volunteered at the theater so he brought Samantha with him as a date. "Chandler, I thought you would be getting ready with the guys?" "Are you kidding?" Chandler responded, "those boys are no where near as polite as you all," Chandler said.

Kathrine gave Chandler and Samantha the same treatment she did (y/n) except Chandler waited for Samantha to finish getting a shower first. Then the rest was spent getting ready and getting excited about (y/n) and Kathrine's dresses having pockets.


Davey practically forced Jack to get a shower and freshen up. "Davey, Ies don't think this is necessary and-" "shut up Jack, do you want to look good or not?" Davey cut Jack off while tieing his tie. Jack hated looking too fancy. He dressed nice for a newsie, sure, but he felt to dressed up in a suit, not to mention that it's one if he's friends getting him ready.

Davey soon got himself and Les ready before soon walking off. "I think miss (y/n) will like your suit, Jack," Les said as soon as Davey was out of sight. Jack wondered why he waited until after Davey left but didn't mind it too much (honestly I didn't have a reason either.)

Jack saw himself in the mirror and was a little surprised at how clean he looked for a newsie. His suit was blue with a black tie and he just wore his normal beat up old shoes. He was questioning whether or not (y/n) would like it and he chewed on his thumb nail until Davey came back up stairs.

"Alright boys, let's walk down to the party."


Heeeeeeeyyyy, sorry I was gone for so long it was spring break like I said before, but I would like to explain things real quick. I re-wrote the last chapter to were Medda was having a small party for the newsies and that it was written the way it was before because of writer's block. Also I did change Sophi's name to Samantha and I might change it at a later date. I would recommend re-reading chapter 12 so you can understand what's going on a bit better. I would also like to thank you all for the amount of reads so far and I didn't think I would get this far💛💛💛. And one last thing is that thus book might end soon and I'm thinking the next one or two chapters is when im gonna end it off, I hope you are having a wonderful day, stay safe and ily, bye!

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