Chapter 8

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Jack was out selling papers on the street and he only had 3 papers left. "Extra, extra! Read all about it! Boy dies from cigar!" He screamed waving a paper over his head, "I'll take one please," a man said giveing Jack a nickel. After that Jack continued to do his thing when (y/n) showed up, "I'll have one, and when your done selling please meet me in the park okay?" She asked handing Jack another nickel. Confused but curious, Jack agreed and handed her a paper.


While walking too the park, Jack wondered if he had done something wrong or if this would be the time to confess to her, he obviously didn't complain about it though, because one, he loves her, and two, she seemed so concerned that Jack didn't have time to make a flirty comment or even say anything at all.

But Jack was sure that he could not confess too her now, what if she was mad at him (although he was sure that he hadn't done anything too do so).

His palms were so sweaty from the nerves and the stress that he would non-stop wipe them on his bag, pants, and shirt.


(Y/n) was just as nervous when sitting on the park bench like normal. But instead she wiped her hands on a small white handkerchief she kept in the pocket of her dress.

'What if he thinks I'm weird,' 'what if he gets embarrassed by the fact I'm a crip,' thoughts such as these raced through (y/n)'s head as she anxiously waited for Jack's arrival, eyes locked on the entrance to the park.

Then stepped in the big man himself, Jack Kelly with a frown on his face. He quickly wiped his hands on his pants and rushed over to (y/n) and sat down next to her.

"S-so what did you wanna talk about?" He asked anxiously, "so we have been friends for a while now and I thought I would show you something, and promise me this won't make you hate me?" "Um- alright" Jack responded.

(Y/n) slowly lifted her eyepatch and she could feel his gaze on her face. Her eye was closed but when she opened it, Jack jumped back just a little bit.

He was shocked. Not angry or scared or upset whatsoever. Just shocked. Jack started to lift his hand to hold her face but soon put it back down, remembering that they aren't dating just yet.

"Basically I had an eye infection when I was six and the only way to cure it was to remove my eye completely and now I have an empty eyesocket and the only reason you see me with one on stage is because I put a fake eye in and pretend I'm beautiful, but I'm not and then I-" She was soon cut off buy Jack cupping her face in his hands staring empty minded into her eyesocket.

He wanted to capture the image in his mind to paint later. He doesn't usually paint portraits of people but this was a good reason to do so.

"I don't know what you mean by this isn't  beautiful, your pretty with or without your eye," he said still cupping her face. He had the urge to pull her into a kiss right then and there but he stopped himself from the fear of making her uncomfortable (if she didn't like him back).

Soon he let go and (y/n) was speechless. 'The boy I love just called me beautiful!!!' She thought. (Y/n)'s ears went red soon causing Jack's to do the same.


"Did he do it?" Race asked from behind the bush with Crutchie, Chandler, and Samantha. Chandler and Samantha watching the (future) couple from afar. "No but he did cup her face and stare at her, so I guess that counts as something," Samantha responded, "did they kiss?" Crutchie asked, "nope," Chandler responded shortly. Race chewed on his cigar more in frustration that Jack did nothing, "if Ies was there ies would've smooched her on the lips," " Oh come on, youse know that's Jack's goil," Crutchie responded, "hey I'm just sayin!" Race answered hold his ands in the air as a way to defend himself.

"Shhh! Their leaving so I guess that means us as well huh?" Samantha asked looking at Jack and (y/n) then quickly looking at Chandler, "Yeah I suppose so, let's pack up boys."


Hey sorry I didn't write yesterday, I was not in the mood too so I didn't, sorry.

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