Chapter 14

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  They walked down a long hall with several doors on either side before the man who greeted them finally opened one.  They stepped inside the massive room that had one extensive table that ran almost the length of the room.  There were six people seated at the far end of the table, and watched them carefully as sat down.
  "Ah.  How good of you to join to us.  Now, tell us what this is all about, and the urgency for this gathering."
  Samuel thought for a moment, figuring out exactly where to start.
  "It's...uhm...Vastin Dusparte, sirs and madams.  He has intercepted blood drives.  Threatened to cut off the entire country to throw those of us that choose to only drink from those willing to give.  He wants us all to go back to the old ways in order to ascert dominance and total control over the human population.  Many of us do not agree with this.  It will set back all of the advances we have made to live openly with the mortals.  We wish, we beg, of your help to settle this matter swiftly before any lasting damage is done."
  The Elder of the Council, who sat at the head of table, slowly stood up.  He had long, white, curly hair.  His robe hung down past his feet, and followed with a wave as he approached Samuel and Emily.  He looked at her and smiled, his fangs gleaming in the light.
  "Ah.  You must be the mortal we have heard so much about.  You have caused quite a stir, young one."
  "Please, help us.  We cannot do this without you.  And I swear, I did not mean to cause any problems with anyone, I just want to do things on my time, have it be my choice.  I wasn't trying to be a bother, I really can't take being told what to do, and when to do it.  I am noone's puppet. I hope this does not offend you."
  He eyed her, then looked to Samuel.  "I can see what interests you to her.  She's a spitfire little thing, isn't she?  For your problem with Vastin," he turned to look at her, "that is your problem to deal with.  Not ours."  He looked back to Samuel, "As for the other.  We decided to be open with the mortal beings and for the most part were accepted well.  Food is much more attainable without having to hide in the shadows and hunt them down without being caught.  We aren't hunted and taken down during the daylight hours when we are vulnerable.  What he is doing will not benefit our species likes he thinks it will.  We will deal with this matter in a swift manner, do not worry on it anymore."
  He snapped his fingers and the man that greeted them at the door quickly entered the room to him.  He whispered to his ear, the man nodded, then was gone again.
  "Consider it done.  You may leave now."
  "What could I do about Vastin and my issue?  Do you have any advice?" 
  "Handle it in any matter you must.  Personal issues that do not affect our kind as a whole are not important to us.  I'm sure you can come up with a solution to this vendetta he seems to have for you.  Now leave us, we have other matters to discuss."
  They got up and headed to the door.
  "One more thing."
  They turned back.
  "If you do decide to turn, come back and see me.  I have a proposition for you."
  "What is it?"
  "We'll talk more when you are turned."
  He turned away from them, and so they left without another word.
  "So what should we do about Vastin?  This at least settles the big problem with him, but what are we going to do about him after me?  I don't know if I am ready to turn yet, and until I do he will not stop coming after us."
  "We will work out a plan for that tomorrow night, Love.  Just know I will never let him hurt you."
  He stopped walking and grabbed her arm to turn her to him and kissed her hard.
  "I love you, Emily."
  "I love you, too, Samuel."
  When they returned Lena and Jamal were sitting on a bench with no space between them.  They all loaded into the helicopter and headed home.
  Back at the cabin Samuel and Emily left Jamal and Lena on the porch as they went inside. 
  "I definitely need a long, hot shower," she said.
  "So do I.  Join me?"
  "Nothing else I would rather do," she said with a smile.

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