Chapter 7

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  Samuel awoke from his day's slumber full of dread, but also much hope, for what will come to pass.  The thought of Emily being here, in his home, with him, made him smile.  He took a quick shower then went down to the kitchen where he found Mrs. Lettie preparing their nightly breakfast.  "Allow me, please. I will cook, you can brew the coffee if you like."  She eyed him for a moment, then smiled.  "Of course, Mr. Geigher.  I think she is lovely, too."  "Samuel, just Samuel," he said, grinning back at her.  He then turned to the task at hand.  "What do you think she would like, Mrs. Lettie?"  "I think you should keep it simple, Mr. Geigher.  Bacon and eggs.  Maybe some biscuits with jelly. Yes, that should do it."  He grumbled at her, then went straight to work.  When he was almost done putting together the meal, he smelled her before he seen her descend the stairs. 
  "Mmm, smells delicious.  You cook, too?!  Talk about man of my dreams."  They both laughed then sat down at the table.  Lena then came down the stairs into the kitchen and mumbled as she grabbed a plate and piled it high with bacon.  "Man, am I famished!!"
  "So where do we start?"  Emily eyed Samuel, hoping he had at least the start of a plan.
  "Seriously, what are we supposed to do for money if we can't go back to our jobs, where are we going to live, here, I mean, it's lovely here but I can't be cooped up in this cabin forever, I need freedom, and fresh air!" Lena said between bites.
  "I was actually thinking about all of that, and I have the answer for at least one of your questions, Lena.  I am actually looking for a new accountant, the one I had is ready to retire.  I could pay you what you were making, plus an additional ten percent, if you are interested."
  "Really?!  That would be amazing!  So that takes care of my financial worries, what about Emily, though?  And we still need to work out everything else.  And what about you turning, Emily, have you thought anymore about that?  That Vastin guy sounded serious."
  "I haven't really had time to think about that with everything else to worry about.  I mean, never seeing the sun again, having to drink blood, having to eventually watch all of our friends die, it all sounds pretty scary!  Uhm, no offense, Samuel..."
  "None taken, that is why it is completely your choice.  If you decide not to, then I understand, and I will do everything in my power to protect you.  As far as work, I have been looking into getting a financial advisor, Emily.  I have a lot of money tied into stocks, and businesses that I have.  I am not sure what investments would benefit me best, and I am horrible keeping up with the best finance moves.  Living potentially forever makes it that much more important to make the best moves money wise.  I would certainly pay you well."
  "Oh, ok.  Yeah, I can definitely help with that."
  "Great!  That gets that business out of the way."
  "Uhm, Samuel?"  Emily looked at him, trying how best to piece her words together.
  "W-where, will we, uh, me and Lena, stay, ya' know, for good?  If we get our own place, ya' know, away, could Vastin, or any other vampire, for that matter, find us?  What do we do?"
  "Actually, I was hoping you would stay here.  And Lena, if you want, you could, too.  Or if not, I have fifteen acres, we could build you your own home, or homes, if that is what you want.  Vastin doesn't know about this property, I have another in Georgia that he knows about.  I stay there occasionally just to keep appearances up."
  "I thought as your maker you couldn't hide anything from him?"
  "No, that is not true.  As my maker I am bound to him, but only in loyalty and respect.  I have my own life.  He doesn't own me, that is not how it works."
  "Ah, that makes more sense.  And I would love to stay here with you."  Emily smiled and grabbed his hand.
  "So...I get my own cabin?  When can we start on that??"  Lena's eyes lit up with happiness at all the thoughts of what she could do.  "I want a sauna.  And a sunroom.  Ooh, and a big garden out front.  And a huge kitchen!  This is going to be great!"

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