Chapter 3

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The trio soon find themselves surrounded by music and laughter as they make their way down the busy street. Bands play on every corner it seems and vendors are parked along every walkway.
"The night is so alive here, it reminds me of New Orleans!" Lena exclaims.
"You should see Tokyo if you like this," Samuel stated. "The energy is ulike any other place I have seen."
"Tokyo?!" Lena exclaimed, excitement filling her eyes. "Emily, we should go! Travel the world! Sail every sea! Climb all the mountains!"
With every word Emily could see the light grow brighter in her dearest friend's eyes and it made her smile for her.
"One day we just might do that. Can't you imagine? Us, world travelers. Adventurers. What a sight that would be!"
She then stopped, her thoughts of traveling gone in an instant, replaced with a thought of dread.
"Where is everyone? Where's the music?"
The three of them looked around. There wasn't another soul in sight. Samuel began to hurriedly urge them back in the direction they have wandered from.
"We have gone too far away. We need to turn back now, it is not this safe away from everything. Nothing good comes from being alone in the night.
I more than anyone know this."
Before he could speak another word of caution a man with long dark hair and eyes blacker than a dark abyss was standing before them.
The man in all black smiled his crooked grin. He studied their faces and cocked his head, seemingly amused at the sight of the three companions in front of him.
"Ah, my protege. Pray, tell your maker, what is this I see? Playing with our food, are we? Tsk, tsk."
"He put a long finger up as Samuel wanted to reply, stopping him. His nails were long and pointed. Yellow in the moonlight. I have warned you of not getting too close to these that are not of our kind. Lesser than we. Yet alas, here you stand. Not to worry, though. Have your fun with the human, while you can at least." He then turned his bony finger towards Emily. "You have quite a taste for danger, I see, mortal. And danger you shall find with the likes of company as this. How interesting this is."
Before anyone could even take a breath the sinister man was gone.
"What. The. Hell. Was that?!" Lena yelled out loud. "And what did he mean YOU have a taste for danger? Did he not see me standing here, too? And was he threatening you?!"
"No," Emily answered, "at least I don't think so. And of course he seen you, you were right next to me. But what was that all about, Samuel? What does he want with us? And with you?? And why did he seem to point me out?"
Samuel eyed them both before answering her.
"Do you not know? Nevermind, it is not important right now. What is important is we find our way back to civilization before Vastin, or anyone else for that matter, shows back up."
They both agreed he was right and made their way to their apartment.
"I'm, uh, off to bed. It was...well, interesting...meeting you Samuel. You ok here, Emily?"
Emily smiled at her worrisome friend.
"Of course. I will be inside in just a bit. Goodnight Lena."
After Lena had made her way in the door, Emily turnerd to Samuel. A strong breeze then blew, whipping the loose strand of hair around Emily's face. Samuel reached up and tucked it behind her ear, something he had been wanting to do since he first saw her. His cold fingers made her shudder. He quickly stepped back and looked toward the ground.
"I had a good time tonight."
"Really?" He looked up at her, shocked by her words.
She laughed. "Yeah, silly. It was different, I'd like to do it again. Just, ya' know, without the creepy guy."
They both laughed at that. As Emily turned toward the door to go in, Samuel grabbed her hand. She held his gaze as he placed a kiss upon her palm, then was gone.
Her heart was still racing when she crawled into her bed later that night. She pondered all that had happened within the last few hours. Did that actually happen to HER? Who was that creepy man, Vastin? Also, what did he mean by she had a taste for danger, and especially that she would find it? And most importantly, why did Samuel blow her off about what Vastin had said?

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