Chapter 16: Ask out (short)

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??? pov:

It's been a few months now since the 5 got back from their first multiversal travel, before they went to the mansion that they live in with the other Sanses Lex, and Nightmare already agreed that they were a couple before they left the other MV when they got back though Ink the creator got a nice beating from carrot the overprotective brother of blue who was trying to calm down his brother, meanwhile Dream went outside to take a fresh air... when suddenly Fresh the chaotic parasitic sans pops out of nowhere, and started to annoy Dream while asking Dream what happened in the other MV, of course, Dream being Dream answered Fresh sans questions happily but also carefully why? we'll never know~.

(I hate doing hiatus but still doing chapters, but I have 1 reason and 1 reason only I was feeling a bit bad that I made this story but put it into hiatus, so I decided to post a few chapters.)

Anyway, like I said it has been a few months now, Nightmare and Lexer were in their room to cuddle but of course, Nightmare had other plans...

Nightmare: Hey Lexy...

Said Nightmare while holding Lex's waist...

Lex: yeah Nighty? 

Asked Lex while leaning on Nightmare's touch.

Nightmare: I was wondering if you want to go out with me?

Asked Nightmare while nuzzling at Lex's neck, who suddenly freezes.

Nightmare: Lexy you okay? If you don't want-

Lex: Wha-? Oh no no no!! it's not that I don't want to! I-it's just that well...

Lex tried to explain while blushing madly...

(Okay so hear me out, I bought a new phone, and since my old one is broken I abandoned the character designs that I made for this story, but don't worry I have a backup picture that can help me make the characters in this story again! but don't think that the characters will have the same color or you know since I decided to change some stuff, I'll just change the characters a little bit so don't worry)

Lex: It's just that I was shocked and I didn't really expect you to ask me out while in this position...

Then again Lex had a point they were cuddling yes, while also laying down on their bed while Nightmare was at the backside of Lex... (just picture it in your mind) so it may or may not have aroused Lex but he was also embarrassed... (if you already know what I mean then I don't need to say it here, for those who doesn't... good luck)

Nightmare: Really?...

Nightmare asked to smirk while also nuzzling more at Lex's neck

Lex: B-but to answer your q-question... yes I would like to go out with you...

Lex said while still blushing but also cuddling closer to Nightmare.

Nightmare: Then we'll have our date on Friday night next week?

Asked Nightmare happily

Lex: Yeah that's a good idea, but where should we have our date though?

Nightmare: You don't have to worry about that since I'll take care of it... for now let's just cuddle.

Nightmare said closing his eyesockets tiredly...

Lex nods and focused on their cuddling session while closing his eyes, after a few minutes both of them fell asleep happily excited about their little date...

(I might upload the pictures next chapters and maybe add Nightmare there too...)

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