Chapter: 11 New friend&Make this a Secret

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*~8 pm ~*
Mickey's pov:
I and my brothers are finished fighting with the crangs but I was still thinking about those figures who run out of the shadow I didn't tell my brothers since they won't 'really' believe me, so I decided to go on my own I told them to go back to the lair without me and that I want to play around they told me to be back before 10 pm sharp, and so I started my journey I looked around for 2 hours and I finally see the 2 figures that were with the figures but where were the others? They stopped walking and looked at each other I don't know why but... They look like a couple and as if on cue they kissed I gasp quietly they then started walking again but now they're holding hands aww~ that's so cute! I followed them for another hour and we arrived at a warehouse I heard yelling that's when I saw they were skeletons and a human! Cool and the human looks like a half mutant too!! They were having fun a lot of fun... I was just on a rooftop where I can see them playing, teasing, and yelling what a cool family...

Lex's pov:
It's been two weeks now we bought a house and moved in, through this past week I and Nighty have been dating the house we were leaving it was close to a forest so that's where we do our dating and hang outing we also have been talking with Sci telling some updates of what has been going one but... For these past 2 weeks, I have been feeling that someone is watching us from afar and the surprising part is Nighty and Dream can't feel them! (Nightmare and Dream can feel someone is close or far depending on the emotions of monsters/humans so they can also know if someone is watching them if the emotion of the individual feeling is directed at them)  Anyway I started to feel someone was watching us last week so I have been getting cautious, after watching the movement and time they arrive I started to realize that it was probably one of the turtles how? well, I may have seen a glimpse of orange and green that's where I realize that it was one of the Brothers and not just one of them it was the youngest of the bunch that had been spying on us, so that's why I told Nightmare and we decided that we will try to befriend this little turtle we told the others and so operation: make a new friend is a go! ps: blue named this and we just agreed with it anyway,  I was in the forest doing a stroll I can feel the little turtle following me so I went to a lake that me and Nightmare sometimes hangout at I stopped and looked in the direction where the little turtle is hiding which was the bush behind me ⌈You can come out now you know I know you're in there⌋ I said with a calm tone and a smile in my face, the bush started moving and out came Mikey 🧡Hi there broski!🧡 said Mikey with an awkward smile, ⌈Hello Mikey, it's nice to finally meet you⌋ I said with a smile while Mikey was stunned both of us were quite when Mikey finally said something his eyes were the shape of a star 🧡Woah!! How did you know my name dude!?🧡he said with a wide smile on his face I just chuckled ⌈I have my ways of knowing⌋ I said with an all-knowing look 🧡That's so cool!! anyway I'm sorry if I've tresspassed a property but I was actually curious about you guys and I was even more shock that there's more mutants🧡 said Mikey I laughed and told him it was okay we chat with each other I told him that we're not mutants but monsters and that there was a huge differents between those two he understood and exchange numbers I told him if he wants to hangout with the others just tell me and he left since he was already late for home... but before that we promise to make this a secret ⌈Hey Mikey before you go can you promise me and the others something?⌋ I asked he looked at me and nodded 🧡Sure bro what is it?🧡 he asked curious ⌈Well promise to not tell anyone about me and the others can you do that?⌋ I said with a hopeful and worried smile 🧡Of course bro you guys can count on me!🧡 he said with a joyful smile I also smiled and thanked him after our goodbyes we went our separate ways and went back to our own home when I got back to the mansion I ate dinner with the others, change my clothes, cuddled with Nightmare in our own room and went to sleep...

Yeah its I know it's short but I still hope that you sweeties enjoyed this chapter and see you all at the next, Thanks!!!

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