Chapter:5 Panick&Where am I?

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It was a bright sunny day with my love and child playing around the field in front of our homes, 4 years have passed after Darien our Creators name had freed ERROR from Fate's strings she has been checking on us in this past few years..., I remembered the day she told me that she now had a son and he is now growing to be a fine skeleton after she told us the new's she suggested that maybe when Lex her son's name is in his 10th Birthday we should let ERROR and him meet so that they can be great friends, right now ERROR my child and Void my love is running around the field playing tag I giggled when Void jumped on ERROR to catch him but ended up failing miserably, ERROR laughed he's heart out after seeing what his Father attempted to do to catch him after a few more minutes of playing tag and laughing a portal appeared out of nowhere and out came...

Darien!? I wasn't shocked because she was here, I was shocked because she was a crying mess!!

⁘Darien!? OH MY GOD! What happened why are you crying!?⁘ I said to her a little panicked and worried she then told me about what happened that her son Lex got sucked into a portal that leads who knows where! And she is panicking because she can't find him in any AU, she scrolled at every AU and yet she can't find him!!! and even worst is that she can't feel her sons magic anymore so it's either his in another MV or worst caste scenario he's DEAD but she said that she knows he's not dead cause they connect if the other dies she will feel pain shot through her body and if the connection is strong then the more pain she will feel that she will feel broken unless she still has more connections... so.. me my love and my child decided to help her, her son is only 4 and if he gets killed a war may break loose! she loves her son and she will do anything to protect him and I know that because that's what I felt when I see ERROR getting hurt...

"DoN'T WoRRy uNTiE wE'lL fINd hIM!!, I'lL tElL nIgHTmARe aNd tHe gAnG tO hElP sO tHAt wE cAN cOvER mOrE gRoUNd aNd mAYbE bLUe cAn hELp tOo.."(Yes ERROR is calling Darien Untie sometimes he would call her Unt D for short) ERROR said, it made Darien calm down a bit since there's more peop- I mean Monsters that will help but I can still see the worry in her eyes and I can see that, ERROR has been gone to hiding for 4 years now and only Blue knows where and why he has been hiding... so him suddenly coming back would lead the whole MV into chaos everyone might think that he has come back to destroy again, the star sanses might attack him and question him if gets captured that will also bring more panicked and horror for us parent's and another thing is that Nightmare might question ERROR where he was for the past 4 years which might lead to a fight or distrust... but, also Nightmare rejecting the help that we need... so how can we really get helped without the whole AU trying to kill or question ERROR again? I mean were sure Blue will help since he also wanted to meet Lex when ERROR mentioned Lex to him and he was super happy and excited since he and ERROR will meet a new friend! So how can we show ERROR to the others without a fight?

⟪But ERROR what if the sanses, papyruses and star sanses(except blue ofc) hurt you again, and I know that hell might break loose if they found out your back especially Nightmare and the gang they might bomber you with a lot of questions, and if we're lucky no fight might break loose between you two...⟫ Darien said a bit worried since she not only favored her child she also favored and treated ERROR as her own... so if ERROR gets hurt she will get worried and might do something to the person/monster that hurt ERROR... and if that person/monster gets lucky she won't kill them but she might torture them...

⟬Then we tell them why ERROR is back, how about I go with ERROR so that if a fight does break loose I can be there to stop them⟭ said Void with a slight smile on his face, I looked at Darien and said ⁘I think we should go with voids idea, but if you another then we will listen⁘ I said with a warm smile on my face, Darien looked at me and then gave a smile saying she agreed to Void's plan ⁘But just in case our plan doesn't work we need to tell Blue first so that we can have someone backing us up, and it's okay you can also join them if you want I'll go around the MultiVerse to see if Lex is in one of them...⁘ I said with a smile on my face and a determined look in my face, I'm determined to bring back my BestFriend child if it means I have to search for him all around the Multiverse Darien helped me, Void and ERROR for this past 4 years she made us comfortable with each other she helped ERROR with his Haphephobia and he doesn't crash every time we hug or do any other physical touch, me and Void found out we liked each other and now a couple we are even deciding if we should give ERROR a sibling after our Marriage even though he has Geno and Fresh we think that maybe he would be happy with a little sibling by his side since Fresh has to deal with other monsters, and Geno is with the star sanses still acting he doesn't know ERROR since he understand ERROR will became worried if the other knows that Fresh, Geno and him are siblings, anyway back to where we are Darien dicided to go with ERROR and Void
and I went to look for Lex until Darien comes back and help me look for him...

*~ somewhere in a forest near a village~*
*~4:00 pm~*

Lex's pov: hurts... Where..where am I? 「Mom....?」I slowly sat myself up and leaned on to a tree near me I look around my surroundings and saw tree's all around me ^Am I in a forest?^ I thought to myself, but... Where am I all I remembered was...ugh...and my body hurts like hell... as if I fell off a 6 feet tree doesn't matter I'll heal up pretty soon just need to rest and it looks like is going to be nighttime soon I need to build a fire...
What? Did you think I would stand up while my body is hurting like hell? Ha! jokes on you that's where you're wrong!... I started to use my nature magic and move around some vines that were on some trees to get me some wood..., after doing that I used my fire magic and... Done! also no I didn't make it near the trees since it might cause a forest fire and I do NOT want that to happen after that, I took out the black cloak that covers me head to knee length from my space it was good for running but also for hiding... I put on the cloak and laid down to get some shut-eye, cause I think it's past 6 pm it's better to sleep now so that way by sunrise I can go and find food and might meet some monsters/people that can help me since I don't know if monsters exist here or monsters don't have magic here I might as well hide my powers but also hide my mark on my left cheek who knows what will happen to me if someone finds me interesting or sees me as a test subject... Welp goodnight readers I'm going to sleep...
so this is what he's wearing now/ tomorrow morning, and just a warning for the next chapter, might contain abuse or violence there's also cuss words in the next chapter, not all story has to be happy, be warned if you don't like those you can skip...

------------------------so this is what he's wearing now/ tomorrow morning, and just a warning for the next chapter, might contain abuse or violence there's also cuss words in the next chapter, not all story has to be happy, be warned if you don't...

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter see you, next chapter sweeties!!😘

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