Chapter 15: Where are you... (20)200y continuation

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I keep on forgetting whos talking so I'm just gonna change some things if you notice say it in the comments if you can...

Darien's pov:
It has almost been 20 years since we started trying to find Lex my son the star Sanses had already made a Truce with Nightmares gang after we explained to them everything, Sci has been trying to find where my son's location is, and if we are lucky maybe we could get the portal straight to where my son is! right now I'm outside of the star Sanses base looking at the shining moon...

Destiny: Darien?

Said Destiny while putting a hand on my shoulder...

Darien: Yes Destiny?

I asked I know she's worried but I just can't help it...

Destiny: You're still worried about him?


Darien: Yeah, I'm sorry I know it isn't the time to be sad but I just can't stop worrying about him he is my son, and I just... argh...

I feel like sobbing... what kind of mother am I if I can't even protect my own son!?

Destiny: Hey it's okay I know how you feel as a mother I will also feel like this if something happened to my son as well...

I miss him... I want my little boy back...

Darien: *Sobbing* It's all my fault... *hic*If I have been strong e-enough, *sniff* If I haven't left him to do my j-job he would have s-still been here...

I can't... I just can't... this feeling of worry and dread is stuck on me why? why him? Just why my little sunshine?

Destiny: Oh Dary... please don't cry I know you miss him... but if we want to see him sooner, then we have to finish this portal to find your son and it's not your fault you didn't know... and you also tried your best... shh... it's alright we'll find him...

Destiny hugged me while I was sobbing in her arms... what I didn't realize was that ERROR, the gang, and star Sanses heard our conversation...

Blue: Poor miss Darien she really misses her son...

Dust: And that's why we're gonna help her...


Nightmare: ERROR? Are you okay?

ERROR: I'm fine... *sigh* It'sjust that even though I haven't met the kid yet... I feel already attached to him after hearing him from Unt D, from what I heard of him was that his a clever, kind, and determined kid he's always cheerful and likes to help others but also likes to protect what is his... he's very talented and is also good at fighting with magic attacks, he also triggered a big brother personality in me just by hearing the stories about him... I would always say to Unt D that I would protect him when I meet him... and after seeing Unt D like this it broke my soul that the person I was so excited to meet and protect was gone and got taken by a F%^ing portal...

Cross: Hey don't worry like you said the kid knows how to use magic attacks pretty good, so I'm sure he can take care of himself...

ERROR: I hope so... I also hope that no one will hurt him, cause if someone does then it looks like we have to the care of that person/monster...

Dust: I have to agree... from what I heard from you this kid is good

Ink: Well let's continue helping Sci so we can find him sooner than later!

Dream: Ink is right!

Killer: Then let's go, come on Horror!


Short... very short I don't like it but this is the only idea I have right now...
Also, I forgot to mention there will be heat cycle's so I might put some lemon...
Bye sweeties have a good day.

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