Fuck my life

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"Leoni!" Clarke called out in pure relief  when she recognised the girl

"Everyone safe and well?" Leoni asked

"Yes Heda" Niylah answered

"Raven?" Leoni called on the girl

"Fine" she assured

"Good. Now we wait on the rest" Leoni decided coldly

"No waiting necessary" Bill pressed a button and the door opened revealing a dozen guards in the black suits and beehive patterned helmets. 4 of them walked forward and then took off their helmets revealing Leoni's friends

"Octavia what is this?" The blonde demanded, in utter denial

"Your friends became disciples. Believing in all man-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Leoni whined before shooting the Shepard in the foot and pressing it once again to his head

"Bullshit" Raven scoffed in disbelief
"Octavia would never turn, neither would Echo!" She kept shaking her head in complete denial

"Indie was Leoni's head guard before the death wave, he'd never turn either" Miller agreed

"They haven't turned. They've seen the light" Bill protested as he attempted to nurse his bleeding foot with Leoni's gun still firmly on his head

"Indie. Talk." Leoni demanded through gritted teeth but he didn't say a word. His expression didn't falter for a second as he continued to stare at his commander along with the others
"What did you do- let them go!" Leoni ordered

"They're not my prisoners Miss Kane" the Shepard said almost apologetically. The commander tried to stay bitter but she feared the truth that her people really had turned. She had to save them. She had to save Octavia.

"Ok here's what's gonna happen then" Leoni started trying to keep up her tough girl act
"I'll use the key to help you but only after you let my people go back to Sanctum" she looked at Bill as he thought about her proposal
"Every one of them" she gestured to the group dressed like guards in front of her

"You may go if you like" the Shepard sighed to Octavia, Diyoza, Indie and Echo but they didn't move a muscle

"We're not going anywhere" Echo shrugged
"There's a war we've still to fight" She justified herself. Everyone frowned in confusion

"Echo the difference between a good spy and a bad one is knowing what missions are doable. Whatever war this is it isn't yours" Leoni tried to convince the woman but got no response. Instead Echo just walked out of the room leaving Octavia, Diyoza and Indie. The three of them slowly left one by one  and Leoni's heart shattered. She shot one of the guards and turned to face Bill full on
"What did you do" she glared at him furiously

"We didn't do anything" Anders said calmly from behind her
"All that happened is that they committed to the cause. Ready to fight for mankind in the last war" he explained as if reading off a script

"A war that will arrive soon now that you're here" Bill nodded at Leoni

"He's right? You're the key?" Clarke asked quickly

"Apparently so" Leoni muttered
"Listen up buttercup" Leoni stepped forward so she was right in the man's face. She positioned her gun right under his chin
"I want to talk to my people alone. I see your men in the hallways i will shoot them, I see or hear a camera I will shoot you, I notice you interfering in any way i will shoot myself so you can't get the key and if you lay a finger on any of my people I will burn this entire joint to the fucking ground do i make myself clear" she almost whispered

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