Just win

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⚠️ TW mention of suicide⚠️

The next morning Leoni stood in front of Lexa's covered cloth body as it lay in a bed of candlelit roses

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The next morning Leoni stood in front of Lexa's covered cloth body as it lay in a bed of candlelit roses. tears had stopped at some point last night simply because she had run out. She hadn't slept, hadn't changed, hadn't washed and she hadn't eaten that morning. She didn't remember leaving Lexa but at some point she must have. nonetheless now she stood broken in front of a display she never thought she'd have to endure. she felt Aden come to her side silently but didn't acknowledge him. She just stared blankly at what was once her entire life

"Haiplana" he said gently. When she didn't turn to him he took her hand in hopes of offering some means of comfort but got no response
"i'm so sorry" he sympathised with her but Leoni didn't reply she just kept staring at Lexa's rose covered body
"Leok?" Aden asked not sure if the girl could hear him at all at this point

"win" she said shallowly, finally turning to Aden and he had to hold back a gasp when he saw the blood smeared over her cheeks and how exhausted she looked
"just win" Leoni muttered emotionless and walked out the room

"i will Leok!" Aden called after her trying to tell her he had would do this for Lexa. Leoni stopped walking and turned to face him briefly

"good" Leoni stated coldly before pushing the double doors open and storming out

Leoni was sat in her throne 3 hours later ready as she could be for the conclave she never imagined would come when Roan arrived with Ontari who was covered head to two in black blood and holding something behind her back

"no" Leoni shook her head standing up
"Azgeda has no business doing any killing here they did not produce a-" Ontari sliced her arm revealing her midnight black blood making Leoni's heart sink

"Natblida?" Ontari asked with a smirk

"stand down Leok Becca has chosen her to compete" Titus intervened

"don't you dare tell me what to do" Leoni sneered.
"only one person tells me what to do and she's gone you made sure of that" Leoni jabbed a finger to his chest as her voice level rose. Ontari went to sit on Lexa's throne getting comfy and that pissed her off
"get out. GET OUT OF HER THRONE YOU-" but Leoni's protests were cut off by the victory horn. Leoni's eyes widened as she joined the dots. with a smirk Ontari threw Aden's head to the ground in front of Leoni

"i won" she shrugged enraging Leoni even further. She drew her dagger and this time she didn't hesitate to throw it straight through Titus's heart. She watched as the man fell to the ground very much dead. She stalked over to him and snatched the small box containing the flame

"It's about a lot more than winning. Good luck gaining my people's loyalty without a fleimkeepa a flame or me...your highness" Leoni hissed walking out of the throne room. How dare Ontari stand where Lexa stood. She wouldn't allow it. Rushing about the building to find Clarke was easy considering the guards were too scared to speak to her in light of the girl's loss. Leoni finally found Clarke in her dorm looking vacantly out the window.
"Clarke!" Leoni called hurriedly and the blonde responded in the same manner

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