Chapter 3

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"This is the secret super hero Hideout?"

I laugh as Forest takes in our surroundings. We were in the air for about an hour before reaching the government-sponsored mansion in the middle of the states. There are no neighbors for miles, training grounds, and a large government-issue metal fence around the entire place. There is one entrance with a manned gate for the super-assigned agents to come and go, but no road for someone to follow. You can only get here by knowing where 'here' is.

My agent actually text me while we were in flight, letting me know he needs to speak with me. I can only imagine it's about the news article and new super. After replying that I would be at The Hideout today, I put my phone back in the zipper pocket attached to my suit and waited for another text that never came.

We land on the roof which is actually the entrance and I'm immediately greeted by a few of the other supers hanging around.

I pass pleasantries with Captain Wow, Mister Fantastic, Justice Boy, Kid Dynamite, and Great Man before actually going inside to meet with Archie.

"Hey, Benita," I say, leaning over her computer monitors. Today, her hair is purple and in long braids across her scalp down to her waist. Her dark complexion brings out the white of her teeth as she smiles at me.

Benita leans back in her gaming chair, crossing her arms behind her head. "Well if it isn't Miss Awesome. Hey, saw the article this morning. Sorry that Advanced got one up on you."

I shrug like it doesn't affect me, even though it does. "Eh, it happens. Is Archie around?"

"Pretty sure he's already working on some stuff for you in the armory. He was beating himself up quite a bit about not putting more anti-shock material in your suit. We know there have to be electric Advanced out there, but I think yours is the first encounter."

"Really? I was hoping the other heroes had some knowledge on how to fight this 'Crimson Current' guy." I use air quotes ad roll my eyes at the name.

She laughs, shaking her head. "Man, they always get the cool names, huh?" I scoff. Her brown eyes drift behind my shoulder to where Forrest is standing like he really doesn't want to be here. "Who is this?"

I wrap an arm around his shoulders and pull him forward, rubbing my knuckles in his hair. "This is my side kick for now. He's on the fence about fighting crime, but I'm hoping this trip will impress him."

"Well, he sure impresses me," Benita smirks while eyeing Forrest up and down.

Scrunching my face up, I laugh awkwardly. "Sorry, he's gay," I lie. Forrest, now free from my knuckle sandwich, kicks the back of my knee and it almost buckles. I ignore him. "We're going to go find Archie. Great seeing you!"

She waves as we leave, muttering to herself. "That's a damn shame."

I giggle at Forrest's uncomfortable expression as we walk across the large computer room toward the armory.

Just like Benita said, we find Archie sewing away on a green suit that looks similar to mine. He's mumbling to himself and constantly flicking blond hair out of his eyes.

Archie has been my friend since day one - and not just because he's the techie assigned to me. The government recruits people like Archie and Benita out of college or sometimes high school based on their computer abilities and all around intelligence. Even though he's a few years older - having been recruited just after graduating from a prestigious tech college - he and I work really well together. Sometimes, we'll even just hang out like normal people on the roof and have a picnic. When we're together, we talk about our likes and dislikes as well as how to improve my suit. He's my next best friend after Mia and Forrest, and I've almost revealed my identity to him on several occasions.

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