Chapter 15

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Crimson's chest rumbles with his words, and I take comfort in the warmth of his embrace — in the solidarity of his presence. He is seeing me for me — an Advanced and depressed girl — yet here he is, helping. "Okay, I need to get a feel for your powers, so you're going to have to use them on me. But first, I need you to answer a question with completely honesty."

I nod, still against his chest.

"Are you going to be able to read my mind when you reach out?" His body seems to tense in nervousness for my answer.

Crimson's question makes me stop and think. I've never been able to before, so I don't know why I would be able to now. "I haven't ever read anyone's mind. I don't know what they are thinking when I place my words or Influence in their head. As far as the 'seeing the presence of a mind' thing, I've only done it once, so I can't say."

I feel him nod before he speaks again. "It's just — you know, we have our secret identities for a reason. I just want to make sure mine is safe."

"I think so."

He takes a quick, deep breath as if preparing himself. "Okay. I'm ready. Do I need to do anything or do you just—"

I cut him off with a mental thought to his mind. "You don't have to do anything."

Like being burned, Crimson Current jerks away and I startle at his sudden movement.

"I'm sorry," I say, unsure exactly what I am apologizing for.

Crim doesn't respond. His eyes — the color of full rainclouds — meet mine, then search my face. They take in every detail around my mask, seeking out something. His hand reaches up and brushes against one of my braids.


The super shakes his head as if physically bringing himself back to our conversation. "No, I'm sorry. Your voice — it, uh, just took me off guard. I wasn't expecting it to be so clear."

I shyly look away. "Well, good. I've been told in the past it can be like a screeching noise."


Nodding, I look around the roof for anything to distract myself. I suddenly feel nervous sharing my secrets with Crimson Current and a part of me feels like I shouldn't be doing it.

Thoughts of Rowan and Agent Matthews swirl around in my mind, making me feel dirty. Rowan wouldn't want me here with Crimson Current and Matthews would definitely not be happy that I'm associating with the enemy.

"Awe," Crim's soft voice draws me back to the present. "Are you okay?"

Rubbing my palms against the side of my pants, I try to wipe away the sweat that has appeared. "Yeah, it's just late is all. I think I should head home."

"We haven't even talked about your Influence, and it sounds like that is where your problems are. Are you sure you want to leave?"

"I just think we're very exposed out here," I confess. "What if someone catches us?"

Crim looks around the still night, trying to decide if that's all that is bothering me. He has to know deep down that I feel strange in general just talking to him or admitting I have new powers, but he seems to accept my words. "I have somewhere we can work together in private," he starts. "But you'll have to be blindfolded when we go."

"Absolutely not!"

"I promise it's safe. It's my parents' old house that I inherited when I turned 18. I don't live there because of the memories, but I do most of my training and experiments there. It's all set up to spar."

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