Chapter 1

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"Sage Green!"

"Ah!" My head snaps up off of the desk, a stray paper sticking against my cheek. After a moment of confusion, I realize I'm in class and my teacher has just yelled my name. I squint at the question written on the board. "C?"

The teacher rolls her eyes. "I didn't ask you to answer the question. I asked you to stop sleeping in my class. Since this is the second time this week," she pauses, shaking her head before tugging the paper free from my face. "Detention, after school."

I groan and bang my head against the desk a little harder than I should have. It creaks in response. Sage Green, this. Sage Green, that. First of all, what were my parents thinking when they named me? I internally groan this time. My parents are going to kill me for getting a detention . . . again.

The bell rings and I'm the first one of out my chair, almost knocking over a freshman in the hallway on the way to my locker. Once I retrieve my phone from the metal coffin its required to be in during class, I dial my father in the hope that he will be more forgiving than my mother.

"Hi, sweetheart."

"Hey, Dad. Listen, I don't have a lot of time because class is going to start again in a minute, but just letting you know I have detention after school. I love you and I'll see you at dinner, okay? Bye!" I try to rush everything out at once, trying to skip over the detention bit as much as possible. 

However, a voice in the background speaks up before I can end the call. "Not so fast, young lady!" My mom practically yells. "I told you Monday that if you get another detention then you are grounded."

I twist up my face and slam a closed fist against my locker. "Oh, Mom," I play innocent. "Didn't know you would be home right now . . . listening to this call."

"Sage Vermouth Green!"

If there is anything worse in this world than my first name, it's my middle name.

"You are grounded. You will come straight home after detention and we will watch you eat your dinner without TV and then you will go to bed without a phone. Do you hear me? Grounded!"

I fumble in my locker before pulling out an almost empty chip bag. I crinkle it by the phone. "What? Sorry, I can't hear you. Crrrrekkcht." Wait, why did you make the sound with your mouth when the chips are making it? I face palm and groan to myself. "Idiot."

"Excuse me?!"

"Oh, no! A tunnel!" I panic, face palming again when I realize how dumb I'm acting.

I can hear my Mom's teeth grinding with her next response. "Your brother will be picking you up after detention."

"My car-"

There's some type of scream on the other end of the line and I jump, pulling the phone away to look at it as if it will give me answers. Even without my super powers, I know that was a scream of pure, unbridled frustration.

The call ends and I'm left staring at a blank screen.

"I just wanted to know how my car will be getting home." I shake my head, tipping the chip bag up to dump some into my mouth. Since I skipped breakfast this morning and lunch this afternoon, this will have to suffice as both.

I start shoving things back into my locker, the poor thing practically bursting at the seams with junk, but its my junk and I might need it one day. The air around me shifts and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I roll my eyes before counting to myself. "3 . . . 2 . . . 1."

"Pork chop, hiyah!" A voice screams as arms wrap around my neck. Something heavy falls onto my back, and I fake a leg wobble as if startled.  "Did I scare you?" Before I can answer, Mia detaches herself from me. "Don't even lie. I can tell I didn't. I'll get you one day, I swear. Hey, where were you at lunch, huh? Did you have some awesome stuff to do instead? Here, I brought you a burger."

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