Chapter 20

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After what seems like hours, but is surely only a few minutes, we arrive at a house. I'm led up some porch stairs, through a door, into the house, and down into a basement. Only when the door is secured behind me is the blind fold removed.

I blink against the bright lights illuminating the largest basement I've ever seen. The walls are lined with noise dampening panels and the floor is concrete except for a gym area. Singe marks scatter the room, and I notice one is partially erased with some cleaning supplies left beside it.

He said he's a neat freak.

The rest of the room is spotless and contains what looks like a lab as well as a sewing table with neatly folded red cloths.

"Welcome to my basement," Crim announces lamely.

"Can I look at your lab?" Archie seems to erupt with eagerness, unable to contain his excitement.

Crim laughs, gesturing for him to go ahead. "Everything is labeled. Please, just put it back where you got it and don't break anything."

Archie barely mutters a response as he makes a dash for the equipment like a child to a bounce house.

"Come here," Crim motions me over with a soft voice. He sits cross legged on the thick mat in the center of the home gym.

I mimic his movements.

"I'm trying to figure out what aspect of your power we need to focus on first. For me, I had to learn to stop shocking everything, but after that I had to make sure that when I did use my electricity, I was exactly what I need and want. Now, I can turn on the TV from across the room without it frying.

I had to learn to draw from the air around me to create bigger strikes. Like lightning in thunder clouds. The more energy, the brighter it burns.

You should see Hydro and I working together. Man, can we create some tension."

He lost me at Hydro.

I try not to let it show that her name sours my mood, but I don't think I'm very successful.

Crimson continues. "The best way to discover every nook and cranny of your ability is to open it like a dam breaking open. Slowly, so that the water can touch every tiny spec of dust."

Nervous, I close my eyes and try to focus. I feel the warmth of my ability spread over my body, somehow comforting my nerves.

Lead me, I beg to my powers.

My mind opens and I'm suddenly aware of every living thing in a 5 mile radius — even the spiders on the wall, too high for Crimson to clean. Instead of reaching for one thing, I let it all floor back to me.

Thoughts. Archie. He's excited about a sample buried deep in the cabinet. It's blue and thick, sparkling with some kind of suspension in the liquid.

Copper Amine Complex. The words drift into my head.

I repeat them.

"How did you do that?" Archie gasps. "That's what I was thinking!"

"Don't mess with that," Crimson snaps at Archie. "Awe, please. Stay out of my head."

I don't even worry about the two boys, my powers leading me elsewhere. With my eyes still closed, I feel every thing around me — every object, alive or not.

Like creeping fog, my powers seep into the room, consuming the gym and lab equipment.


I breathe in deep, feeling the presence of every tangible thing in the room.

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