Chapter 6

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I'm not sure what wakes me first, the smell of coffee or soft voices, but I keep my eyes closed in an attempt to fall back asleep.

Someone removes the coffee pot from the machine and pours it into a mug before placing it back. They open the fridge and pull out either the milk or some creamer to add, then some sugar.

A spoon clinks in the mug annoyingly and I almost lose my mind.

"So, why is your sister on our couch?" The voice belongs to Kingsley and I assume he must be talking to Forrest. He takes a sip of the coffee, slurping.

Forrest pours himself a mug of plain black coffee, just how he likes it, before replying. "Our parents are giving her a tough time, so I offered her a safe space, ya know? Besides, she's my twin sister. We can hang out sometimes without it being a big deal."

"Yeah, but she's still in high school. She's a kid, man. This is supposed to be, like, a bachelor pad."

"It's not her fault she had to repeat 9th grade," Forrest defends me, slightly raising his voice. He must realize he did because his next words are quiet again. "She may be in high school, but Sage is more than the scores on her report card. She's courageous and strong and selfless and the most loyal person in this entire city." There's a moment of silence before he continues. "I know you and Sage don't get along, but I want you to know that if there is anyone in the world who will be there for you when you need help, it's Sage. Maybe you can lighten up on her a little bit. She isn't that same kid in pre-school that would get mad when your mat was closer to mine at nap time."

Kingsley doesn't reply, choosing instead to drain the coffee from his mug in one large gulp. "Yeah, okay. I have stuff to do today, so don't wait around for me."

Two mugs clink onto the counter, one right after another, and Forrest's voice halts Kingsley's movements. "Where are you going, man? You've been distant these last few weeks."

Kingsley's tone is defensive — his answer quick. "It's nothing."

"Look, King," Forrest sighs. "I know it was the anniversary of your parents death not too long ago. If you need anything—"

"It's not that!" Kingsley hisses.

"Still, if you—"

"It's Tazia."

There's a pause before Forrest responds. "Anastasia from class?"

It's Kingsley's turn to sigh this time. He shuffles around, grabbing a coat and walking to the door. "Yeah, we've been hanging out and stuff. It's not that serious."

The air is thick with some kind of tension between the two boys, and I just know there is something I'm missing. They have obviously talked about this girl before, but for some reason Kingsley spending time with her is an issue.

The door opens and closes and I know Kingsley has left.

I roll over onto my back and the blanket Forrest gave me tangles in my legs. I stare at the texture on the ceiling, listening to Forrest's breathing. I know without even hearing the jaggedness of his breaths that something is wrong.

"Let me guess, you like Anastasia and Kingsley knows, but he's still making a move on her?" My voice is thick with sleep, but I don't care. It's hard to be self conscious in front of your twin.

"Yep," he pops the 'p'.

"That's rough, buddy."

"Yep," Forrest repeats. "Want some coffee?"

I give him an affirmative before standing up with an over dramatic groan. "I'm getting old, bro."

He laughs out loud while pouring some coffee into a mug for me, leaving plenty of space at the top. Moving around my zombie-like body just standing in the middle of the kitchen, Forrest opens the fridge to retrieve the milk. I catch a glimpse of some type of fancy flavored coffee creamer in there, but Forrest knows I prefer milk over the froo-froo stuff.

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