You're so pretty - F

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Warnings: use of swear words


Standing in the middle of the hotel's ballroom, I take a moment to myself to appreciate everyone standing in here with me. I see Florence and Scarlett dancing together happily. Lizzie and Mackie are joking around by the bar, but that's nothing new. Brie and Tessa are huddled together talking, in my opinion they're definitely fucking but that's none of my business anyway. The boys are all sipping away on their drinks jumping around together. The film came to a finish today and we called the official wrap, I stand here looking at my friends who I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the last 9 months.

I look around again and Florence catches my eye, sending a small wave my way. Flo and I have grown close these past few months but she's straight and way out of my league even if she wasn't. That didn't stop my brain from developing a seriously inconvenient crush on her. No one knows of this stupid crush of course because that would ruin everything and I'm really good at hiding my feelings anyway. I shake my head to remove the intrusive thoughts and make my way across the dance floor to her and Scarlett. We dance together and soon everyone else joins us on the dance floor too.

I pull out my phone to check the time, 2am. Jesus we've been dancing and drinking for hours. My phone is almost knocked out of my hands when a very drunk Florence wraps her arms around me to support her weight. I laugh as Scarlett makes her way over to us. Scarlett pull Florence off of me and turns her around to face her. "Okay Flo, I think that's your cue to hit the bed" Scarlett laughs. "Nooo I wanna stay and dance" Florence whines as Scarlett and I exchange amused looks. Florence stumbles and we both have to catch her. "Okay I think maybe you're right" Flo admits. We both laugh as Scarlett tries to drag her away. "No I want Y/N to bring me to bed" Florence says. I just laugh but Scarlett's eyes just widen. I shrug it off not thinking anything of it. "Okay Flo" I say "time to get you to bed because you're going to feel this tomorrow." She just hummed in response as I grabbed her wrist to pull her off the dance floor and up to her room.

When we reached Florence's room, I steadily lead her inside and sit her down on the bed. I head to the bathroom to get her makeup remover and cotton pads. As I make my way back into the room, I chuckle lightly at the sight of Florence sprawled across the bed on her back with her eyes closed. "C'mon Flo, up" I say as I pull her to a sitting position. She sits there with a slight smile on her face as I use the cotton pads to remove her makeup. Once her face is clean, I get out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for her to sleep in. I excuse myself to the bathroom while she gets changed. Of course I have seen Flo naked before from costume changes and altercations on set but since my crush on her developed, I feel like I was silently invading her privacy even though she had no clue of my feelings. Once she is changed, I help her into bed and tuck her in.

I push some hair out of her face so it's not in her way and I say goodnight. As I turn to leave to head back downstairs, her hand grabbing my wrist stopped my in my tracks. "Are you ok Florence? Do you need anything else?" I ask when I turn to face her. She opens her eyes and throws me a cheeky grin which I happily return. "You're so pretty" she sighs. My head falls back as I laugh. "Yeah and you're seriously drunk" I reply. She giggles at that but her face falls back into it's neutral expression. A moment of silence filled the room before she speaks again. "I love you" she says. With a smirk on my face I reply "well I'd hope so Pugh, considering we are best friends". I expect her to laugh but that's not the response I get. "No Y/N, I seriously love you. And I'm probably only saying this because I have the courage of all of the vodka I drank but I think I'm in love with you". My face falls and a confused expression falls over it. "Go to sleep Flo, you're not even going to remember this in the morning." She just nods as I squeeze her hand to say goodnight.

I step out of her room, securing the door behind me. What the fuck. I shrug it off to her being extremely drunk and make my way back downstairs. I find Scarlett sitting by herself at the bar and I make my way over. I make my way over to Scarlett and just start to laugh. A confused look on her face asks me to elaborate about what I'm laughing at. "You'll never guess what just happened" I say as my laughter dies down. "Oh God" Scarlett says slightly laughing "what did she do now?". "She told me she was in love with me" I manage to get out before I burst into laughter again "she must have drank so much vodka to come out with shite like that". I turn to Scarlett who has wide eyes, yet again. I really expected her to laugh at that one. "How do you not find that hilarious? Like how drunk is she to say that nonsense?" I ask as Scarlett forces out a laugh. "Yeah" she laughs "she must be so drunk". Hm, wonder what that's about.

I don't even let myself fall into the "what if it wasn't a joke" thoughts as I know she's straight and most definitely not into me.

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