Chapter 13: The Other Side

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Alexa woke up. She was trying to comprehend everything she saw in the dream. "So, mom was crowned queen, but she ran away and came back here because she wanted a simple life with dad..."

She was now quite desperate. She knew that it was all true because of the pictures. She had to go find the portal. 

She hesitated a bit, but then she thought that it was fine because her dad wasn't home and she could hide the keys somewhere. She quickly changed and wore a jacket, and then realized she would also need the locket, as it was the thing that her mom used to enter and exit through the portal. 

She went outside, locked up the house, buried it near one of her favorite flower beds in their yard, and went to the direction of the woods.

She was very excited to see The Other Side, but also slightly nervous as to if the portal would even work. As soon as she reached the woods, she realized that she didn't even know which specific tree to go to...

"Oh no..."

But then she felt the locket vibrating. She tried to open it, but it didn't open. Instead, it started glowing.

"This is...awesome." She whispered as a faint golden light reflected on her face. She walked a few steps forward to a tree and it glowed brighter.

"This is it." She whispered. "I know it is."

She crawled through the portal. She was almost to the other side and-

She pushed through, and fell out of the portal. She brushed the hair out of her face, and then looked around. It was the same place she had seen her mom come out of in her dreams before.

"'s all here. It all looks the same..." She looked around.

 There it was. The small cleared area with the bench in between. The paint looked worn out, and as if no one had come here for a long time. 

There weren't any animals here, just thick forest surrounding here. She wasn't sure exactly what to do, so she just roamed around in the small area for a bit. She looked at the clock pinned on the tree. It was working, but it looked a bit dusty. 

She was enjoying the peaceful surrounding, when she heard rustling of leaves and a grunt. She quickly looked around, and saw somebody in a on the ground, slowly getting up. They brushed their knees, and looked up and their face filled with an expression of shock and fear.


*AN* Hey, I'm sorry that this chapter is really short. I'm writing more chapters, so I'll upload again soon! By the way, you look amazing today! Take care, and have a good day <3

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