Chapter 8: The Blue Box

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She couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. She kept thinking about the dream. "It can't be real, it's just a dream." She thought to herself at 5 in the morning, as she sat in bed "But then again, why do I keep seeing those woods and the portal? And, how do I know what dad looked like as a kid? I'll ask him to send me a picture of him when he was younger. That'll help me solve all this out." She called her dad at 8, when she was sure he would've woken up. He picked up the call.

"Hi, kiddo! Good morning. How are you?" her dad asked

"Good morning, dad! I'm pretty good. How about you?" Alexa replied.

"I'm great. Work's going fine. New York is pretty good. I really like the pizza here! It's really good, ha-ha."

"That's great! I just had a question. Do you have any old photos of you and mom lying around the house somewhere...?" she added, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Yeah, they're in the attic." He said slightly taken aback at this sudden interest. "Why so suddenly?"

"Well... I really miss mom and I just wanted to see how you both looked when you were younger." Even though this wasn't the reason why she wanted to find the photos, this was still true. She missed her mom, and would love to see what she looked like when she was younger.

"Aww that's really sweet, Lex. They're in a light blue box in the attic." He said, without enquiring any further. "Well, I gotta go now. Take care, Okay? I hope you'll find the photos."

"Okay dad! Love you, bye!" she said as she hung up the phone.

She quickly went upstairs and walked into the dusty attic. There were cob webs everywhere. She wasn't that scared of spiders when they were still, but disliked the way they walked.

She searched, and searched but she couldn't find anything. At that time, Oliver called.

"Hey, Lex!"

"Hi, Ollie." She couldn't help but smile.

"Where are you? We were all supposed to meet at the coffee shop, remember?" he asked.

Her heart dropped. Was it already 10:30? She checked her phone. It was 10:42.

"I'm so sorry! I got busy with er- something. I'll be there in 5!" She said as she ran out of the attic and wore her jacket.

"Okay, take care. It's no rush, be careful. See you!" he said sweetly.

"Thanks. See ya!" she panted as she hung up the call, grabbed her house keys and zoomed towards the coffee shop.

When she reached there, she was really out of breath. She grabbed the side of her stomach as she walked towards the table where her friends were sitting.

"Hi, Lex! Are you okay? I was getting worried! Where were you?" Lexi jumped from the table and asked her very quickly, hugging her.

"I'm okay, Lucy. I just er- woke up a bit late. And I also had to clean the house." She lied. She felt bad lying, but she couldn't tell them. They would think I'm miserable or something, she thought.

"Oh, were you feeling okay?" asked Nathan.

"Yes, I'm fine. Well, it's freezing. Let's get some coffee?" She said, trying to change the topic.

"Oh, yeah." Said Lucy as they all ordered their desired drink.

"How are you able to drink something cold like that in this weather?" demanded Lucy clutching her latte, looking at the sprite in Oliver's hand.

"I dunno. I really like cold drinks, I guess." Oliver shrugged.

"So, since we have a holiday tomorrow, too, wanna come to my place and watch a movie?" Alexa asked the others.

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