Chapter 12- The Ceremony

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"Yes?" she asked

"Your highness is calling princess Daisy." One of the guards said.

"Okay, I'm coming."

She quickly took her bags and went down to the staples, luckily with no one noticing. She came back upstairs and went to the main hall. The doors were wide open and there were people sitting on the rows of benches. Her siblings were already there. She walked up to the main throne area where her family was.

"Now that we're all here," her father said to the crowd "we can start the ceremony."

He cleared his throat "About a decade ago, our ancestors found this world. It's a world which is just like The Other Side, but far more peaceful. Our ancestors found this place and expanded it in hopes that we, too, would all live in our peaceful kingdom with nothing to fear, and to live in prosperity. No one has left to The Other Side since." He beamed at all of them "Today we shall choose the new ruler of this beautiful kingdom that we have all built together."

He turned to Daisy, Erik and Ansley.

"Me and my dear queen have thought long and hard, looking at the behavior of all our kids for the past years. And it is now that we have made our decision."

He took the crown off his head.

"The heir to the throne shall be-" there was a silent but eager pause which felt like it was going on forever.


Daisy went still. There was lots of clapping and happy cheers from the crowd. Her sister and her brother pat her on the back but she could barely feel it. This was what she feared, but she didn't have a choice. Before her father could place the crown on her head, she quickly broke out into a run. She took off her uncomfy shoes and ran even faster. She ran as fast as she could. She was already till the gate of her room before any of the guards realized what to do. She quickly slam her door shut loudly so that the guards could hear it echo and think she was inside. This bought her some time and she quickly ran downstairs to the staples, clung the bags to the horse and quickly rode away from the back of the castle, so that no one would see. Daisy felt very, very sad on leaving her family. But at the same time- She was free. She ran with her horse through the fields and through the forest until she reached the big tree. She had checked several times to make sure no one was following her. She quickly changed into a normal dress and took the bags. She patted the horse and whispered to it "Go home, and take this letter with you." She put a letter into a small bag that was attached to the horse's saddle, and the horse left in the direction of the castle. She took the locket and showed it to the tree. The portal opened up. Daisy took a deep breath and went through the portal. She was glad to be back. She went straight to John's new apartment. He was excited to see her carrying bags and stuff.

"So, you're moving in?" he asked happily.

"That's right." She chuckled as she went inside.

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