Chapter 15: "It's understandable."

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                                     Chapter 15:

Alexa wakes up. She didn't have a dream about the woods. Absurd. She knows what she wants to do. Everyone's gonna be at school, so she can quietly skip school saying she was sick, and go to The Other Side. Nathan's also gonna be at school, so it won't be a problem.

She calls her dad to say good morning. He'll be back from his trip in a week, so she'll have to figure out stuff before then.

She calls her teacher, makes her voice sound tried, and tells her that she has a fever and won't be able to make it to school.

She then showers, brushes her teeth, wears some comfy clothes and eats some scrambled eggs. She gets a text from Nathan asking where she was, but she ignored him and quickly grabbed the house keys and wore her jacket and went to the woods. She was so excited to explore more and meet her uncle.

She took the locket from around her neck, held it up to the tree and put it back around her neck again and went through the portal. She reached the other side. It was slightly chilly, so she was glad she brought her jacket.

She decided that she would stay at Nathan's treehouse, just to be safe, then she could go to the palace and visit her uncle. She could show the locket as proof that she is Daisy's daughter.

She climbed the ladder and sat down onto a chair once she was on top. It was a rocking chair. She liked the view. There were pretty flowers in different colors seen below. The trees were tall and beautiful. Alexa felt very peaceful here. She was sleepy. The little chirps of birds was so relaxing. She kept rocking forwards and backwards and then she dozed off.

She was awoken by someone shaking her. She rubbed her eyes, and saw that a tall guy with brown hair was standing in front of her, wearing a grey sweatshirt and black sweats. Nathan.

Alexa didn't want to talk to Nathan at all. He couldn't control what she did. She was for sure that Nathan was angry and annoyed that she didn't listen to him and got up the chair, and went towards the ladder without saying a word to him. But Nathan grabbed her elbow. She turned around.

"What do you want, Nathan?" she asked "Angry? Irritated? Annoyed? Well you can't control what I do." And she turned back but Nathan stopped her again.

"Alexa...I'm sorry." He said. Alexa also noticed that he was looking very pale. "I know that I can't control you and I'm really sorry. We were all really worried when you didn't turn up to school today. I felt really bad about yesterday. I went to your home but you weren't there and," he sighed "I knew where you were. I understand that you want to explore this place, it's understandable."

"'re saying I can stay here now?" Alexa said, as excitement rushed in.

"Yes." Nathan gave her a small smile.

She hugged him and he hugged her back.

"I'm sorry, Lex." Nathan said.


*Alexandra's POV*
I spent the next few days exploring the kingdom after school. I agreed not to tell Oliver or Lucy, although it was very hard. I just hope they aren't suspicious because I'm always so busy after school. I do miss hanging out with them, though. I haven't hung out with them since an entire week, because I was exploring the kingdom and meeting new people with Nathan.

I was about to meet Uncle Erik today. I was absolutely bursting with excitement.

*Nathan's POV*

I'm gonna take Alexa to meet our uncle today. He doesn't know that I'm his nephew, though.

I don't wanna risk finding out that I'm his nephew, though, so I'll have to let Alexa go in on her own...I'm pretty sure she'll be safe.

I hate the fact that I'm doing this. It's selfish of me. I can't let my friend die! But I don't have any other option...I'm a coward and I know it. I'm scared. I want to live peacefully with my mom. She told me what all had happened after the festival and it sounded terrifying. Apparently after Daisy ran away, The Voice sorta blew everything up. A large part of the castle was destroyed. The kingdom, the fields, everything. They had to rebuild it. Mom had gotten weaker, so she decided to run away, too. So that her family wouldn't be in danger. So Erik was crowned king and Mom ventured into the woods. That was when she met dad. Mom told me that he was the sweetest person she ever met, and I can agree. They had me and everything was going well, The Voice hadn't shown up until when I was 11. The Voice took over and Mom wasn't Mom. It killed Dad. Nothing had been the same since. Me and Mom healed from the tragedy over time, but it still wasn't the same. That's when I discovered the portal. I could...go through. Without a locket. It was because apparently, The Voice put a spell on me. Of course, my mother never knew. She still doesn't know, actually. So I went through the portal for the first time, and saw how beautiful it was. I learnt about all these other places and countries and Space and everything. I started going to the nearby public school where I met Oliver when I was 12. He was my best friend. We met Lucy and Alexa after a few months, and my heart probably skipped a beat when I saw Lucy. Damn. She was adorable, gorgeous, funny and just overall...special. I could sense that Oliver was falling hard for Alexandra, too. It was all perfect...but not anymore.

It's all changed. Why did she have to find this place?

I don't know what to do anymore. I'm just...going according to plan.

I wonder if Erik even knows that Alexandra exists. Has he even heard from Daisy once since she left the Kingdom?

I don't wanna do this anymore. I want to tell Alexandra to go and never come back. I want to tell her exactly why, too. I wanna stay out there in the real world with Lucy, her and Oliver. But I can't leave mom. I wanted to live a peaceful life with her, too.

I went and lay on my bed. And then I heard my door creak open.

I saw Mom- The Voice- standing at the foot of my bed.

"Y-Yes?" I asked.

"I need to take some...precautions," she said, in a fake sweet voice "To make sure the plan goes smoothly."

"What do you mea-"

But before I could finish my sentence, she muttered something really fast, and my vision went all purple, and then I passed out.

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