Do you still care?

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I don't like feeling these feeling they are strange and I can't explain why I feel it but I do. I want to ask Adam about this but since the feelings are for him I am scared of what his answer might be.

I'm not fond of this fear thing.

God used to be kind, loving and always there for us but now he is cruel and illusive. I can't find him; maybe he never really existed to start. Was he just a figment of our imagination? No that can't be he created us and everything so he must be real.

But Adams question rendered in my mind have you seen him.

No I haven't. But he's real. He has to be. If he isn't then I really have nothing to believe in no hope no chance for a future.

The throbbing in my head has only grown worse and now my chest stings with pain. What's happening? Why am I feeling this way? What is my body doing to me?

I look back to Adam his arm is still torn up but he is healing slowly but surely it will heal.

Feelings for Adam and feelings of pain wash over me and I can no longer stand. I collapse to the ground. My head is spinning the world is spinning so fast so, so fast. I attempt to cry out but I'm spinning to fast I feel as though my stomach is going to come out my throat. Then part of it does.


Eve is lying on the ground crying out and gaging. Thick gooey liquid is coming out from her mouth and she cries as she gags.


Its okay eve I rub her back and lay her on her side and the vomiting subsides.

Its spinning she coughs off a bit of blood on the ground staining the withered grass red.

What's spinning I glance around to find the spinning object but everything looks stable.

What's spinning my eyes go back to eve she's pale and her eyelids flutter in and out. Her hands are shaking and she's curled herself into a ball.

Everything, everything is spinning.

I glance around again but realize the spinning is internal.

I think she falls asleep because her eyes remain closed and her breathing slows.

My arm burns with pain but I have to tolerate it I have to find a way to keep moving. To keep my head afloat. Meredith lies dead under the tree and my heart breaks for the creature. Then my stomach aches for food and my body for warmth.

Please forgive me God.


When I rise Adam is covered in something I blink away sleep and focus on his back fur? Then I feel the warmth coming from a fire he has built and the area smells of delicious meat and the spinning has slowed but my head still throbs. As if a drum is pounding inside my head.

I slowly rise to sit but the spinning gets worse so I rest at the tree. Meredith?

My eyes must be lying to me. Mere I say slowly, softly. Mere my voice comes as a cry

Eve I know how it looks

What happened I want to cry and scream and my damn head won't stop pounding?

Eve he says again would he stop saying my name as if that is going to help, to make me understand, make me see what's going on. Ahh my brain is churning and pounded and grinding. Gah I yell again God help us do you not care about us anymore.

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