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Finally, we are headed to L.A. For the first premiere of Jazz Singer and an appearance on Kimmel. It is the first time we have traveled since we became lovers. Vanessa is unable to go  due to work. Luis is going with us as he is one of the movie's producers. As always I make sure Lin will be dressed for the premiere and Kimmel. When Luis goes, I am also in charge of carrying his suit for the premiere. It is just easier and less luggage. We fly to L.A. on a commercial flight. I sit 4 rows behind the Mirandas and listen to an audio book. My phone dings with a text message.

--You good back there?--
--Come to my bed tonight--
--Luis. We almost got caught--
--will be after the movie. He'll be in bed, asleep--
--Let me make love to you in a different bed--
--we will see--

Our rooms are across from each other and Luis is right beside Lin's. I delivered the gentlemen's suits to them before changing into the black pantsuit I wear to blend in with the crowd at an event. I am putting on my sneakers, when there is a knock at my door. I open it to Luis. He smiled at me.
"I hate to bother you, but can you help me get this tie to lay right. "
"Sure." He steps into my room and I take the tie from him. I shake it out and then put it around his neck and tie it.
"You have been working with Lin-Manuel awhile now? "
"Almost a year sir."
"You like dressing him"
"Making him look good? Of course. I enjoy it. The appearance scheduling is fun too." I bite my lip as I finish and smooth down the tie. I hear Lin's door open and see him walking over with his coat and tie in hand, "There ya go. Next?"
Luis laughs, "Thank you." He glances as Lin comes through the door, "Son, are you not ready? "
Lin smiled at his Dad, "Looks like you had trouble with your tie too! "
I take the tie and start the process over. They make small talk as I work. I straighten the green silk tie and as I finish, I grab the suit coat out of Lin's hand. "Turn around." I help him get the jacket on and straighten the shoulders. He turns around and I run my hands over his shoulders again and tug the bottom down. I look up and see Lin watching me. "And a good luck kiss as per our custom." I kiss his cheek then turn to Luis and kiss his. My phone beeps and I see the text.
"Limo awaits gentlemen. Let's go! "

The event is loud. Hundreds of photographers snapping pictures. The press yelling questions from all sides. I blend in and let the powers maneuver. I keep a close eye on my charges and hear Luis yell my name. I hurry over. He is holding out a phone and gives it to me.
I see Lin talking to his leading lady Hailee a few feet away. She has her arm around his and I feel a pang of jealousy from the look she is giving him. I smile at Luis.
"That is Lin-Manuel's phone. Guard it with your life. It came out of his jacket. "
" I told him not to wear the jacket. But it is his favorite. " I put the phone in my bra. "It should be safe in there."
Luis laughs, "Most definitely."
A photographer hollers, "Can we get a pic of the Mirandas".
Lin comes over and they turn to take the photo. I step out of the way. Lin's hand brushes mine and I look up at him. There is that look of hunger as he really looks at me. I smile and step away as the cameras flash. I don't get near them again on the red carpet.
Once inside, people start finding their seats to watch the movie. I walk past stars to where he is standing. He smiles at me, but again his eyes flash hunger. He bends over, close to my ear so only I can hear what he says.
"So you have my phone?"
"It's in a safe place. Do you need it? "
I reach in my bra, pull it out and hand it to him. I look up at him. He is staring at my breasts.
"Oh, to be cradled in that warmth. "
"Eyes are up here Miranda. Don't lose your phone. I need to go and find a seat. Excuse me."
He grabs my arm as I turn. "I saved a spot next to me. You been beside me this whole time. Watch it from the front."
"Shouldn't Hailee sit next to you? She is your star? "
"Nope. You and Pop is who I want beside me."
He points me to one of seats. I sit down and nervously look around. I know i don't belong here. I see household names staring at me, wondering who are you? I smile when Luis sits down with a seat between us.
"Keeping the seat warm?"
" He told me he wanted me to see it from the front row. Instead of the back. I told him his star needs to sit beside him, not his assistant. "
"I have told him that in the past. But enjoy it because, it won't happen very often."
" Okay . "
I decide to take Luis' advice and enjoy. I start smiling at people,looking them in the eye. Men start staring at me and winking back. I am happy when Chris Evans sits down next to me because I had met him during final filming. He remembers me and we make small talk. Finally, the lights dim and Lin steps out on stage. He gives a short speech about the movie and it's stars. Finally, he leaves the stage and the movie starts. I feel him sit down as I watch. I love the story and he was right, it is better from the front row. He lays a hand across my lap and starts making circles on my thigh. I have learned this is a nervous trait, so I grab his hands and lace our fingers together. I give him a side glance to see his face relax and he sighs.
I lean over and whisper. "Its okay Lin. The movie is wonderful."
Luis leans over on his other side and agrees. He puts an arm around his son and the three of us stay like that the rest of the movie. Me holding his hands in mine and Luis' arm around his shoulders. As the credits roll, I drop his hands before the lights come up and turn towards him and stretch. He smiled sheepishly at me.
"Thank you, " he whispers, "that relaxed me. "
"Good." I lean in closer and put a hand on his thigh, "Maybe I can relax you more later." I then feel his phone in his pocket and glare at him. "Give me your phone, Miranda. You can't be leaving it in your pants. You will damage another one. "
I stand up and pull him to his feet. He pulls the phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. I promptly slip it into my bra.
"Interesting place to slip your bosses phone."We look up to Hailee staring at us. She has a glare on her face as she speaks.
" Safiest place in the world, " Luis jokes.
"Tighter than Fort Knox," Lin says keeping with the joke.
"Yep," I say.
She glares at me then smiles at the Miranda men, "Ready for the after party gentlemen. I am sure your assistant will not be joining us."
"But she is," Lin says.
"Actually boss, I am not. I am going to head back to the hotel and make a few adjustments to things for tomorrow ."
Luis smiles, "I think I will go with Leah. It's early enough that i can call your mother."
"Wonderful" Hailee said starting to wrap her arm through Lin's, which he promptly gets out of.
"I need to make sure that my dad gets in the car okay. I'll be back."

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